The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: Health

Like many things in life, health comes in three forms.  Physical, mental, and spiritual. It is extremely important that there be balance between these forms.  We frequently do not recognize this, and the price we pay is amazingly high.  As I am striving to create the life I most want, I need to take more time in addressing these. Let’s start with the one I have down, I believe, the best.  Spiritual.  My spiritual health is good.  I know who

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One of the hardest questions for many people to answer is – what do you want? For some, the reason this is difficult is because of fear that if they answer wrong, they’ll be unhappy with the outcome.  For some, there are many things they want and that is causing them to waffle.  For some they sincerely do not know what they want.  However, in all probability, it’s some combination of all of the above. Decision making can be surprisingly

Crossing the Bridges: Manifesting

Mind over matter. I am constantly seeking new and better ways to get control over my mental and emotional state.  I know, from the ever-increasing number of books I have read on the subject, that to truly manifest anything I want, I have to absolutely focus on it, without fear or doubt. I have had success at this process a few times.  I know why, I know how…and yet I struggle to succeed regularly. Why?  Because I let my inner

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Sometimes keeping things in your head is exhausting. I am a thinker.  I am constantly thinking about things, great and small, major and minor, important and less so.  From food I want to eat to world situations to speculation about the next Star Wars movie to finances, I am constantly thinking. The problem with constantly thinking is that I am frequently finding darker thoughts clouding my emotions.  When you start to let negative emotions dominate, you wind up having a

Crossing the Bridges: A Request for Feedback

I would like to take a different approach to my usual blogging, and request from you, dear reader, some feedback. Over the years I have written about striving to find greater positivity in the world, and discovering and walking one’s own path.  This particular posting was created to explore more closely not just the journey, and how one can choose to take it, but more specifically MY journey. Crossing the Bridges is where I share with you my very personal

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Carl Jung stated, “What you resist persists.” This was talking about avoiding or denying aspects of the self, but it is still completely applicable to consciousness creating reality, and overly focusing on what you do not want. One of the important aspects of Pathwalking in Practice is awareness.  What am I aware of right now?  Beyond that, and possibly more importantly, what am I thinking about right now? Subconsciously, we may be chewing on something we read, we may be

Crossing the Bridges: The Concept of being a Brand

One of the reasons why this blog is titled “Crossing the Bridges” is because of the vastly different styles of writing I work with. I can, however, break down pretty much all of my work into three distinct styles/genres. These posts, as well as Pathwalking and Positivity, fall under what I refer to as self-help philosophy.  My fantasy series, my Steampunk series and all my other imaginative works fall under fiction.   Beyond that, there is the business related writing and

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This week I continue to work with Pathwalking in Practice. Last week I broke down the three means I believe everyone lives their life by:  letting life live you, curling up in a ball and waiting to die or living the life you want.  Pathwalking is a means to the end of living the life I want to live the most, and has evolved into a self-help philosophy I believe I can do more with, for myself and for others.

Crossing the Bridges: One Small Step

To cross any given bridge, you need to start by taking a step, literally and metaphorically. One of the reasons I began this particular blog post was to help me get my head screwed on straight, while I assess both where I am and where I want to be.  Positivity is a specific topic, and far more general, and while Pathwalking is my life philosophy, it is also a more specific focal point. What neither address is the more personal

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With the start of this new year, I want to begin working on a new aspect of Pathwalking. Tentatively, this will be called Pathwalking in Practice. Pathwalking in Practice is setting up actionable items in order to better work on conscious reality creation. What is an actionable item?  The things you do to actually walk the path you are choosing. Everything we choose begins at the same point.  There is a thought, an idea, an inspiration.  Something you read opens

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