The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

An open letter to fellow Americans

Dear America, When did we accept hatred as the standard?  When did we decide that after almost a century of progress it was perfectly ok to allow unrestrained racists, sexists, bigots, misogynists, warmongers and fearmongers to be our leaders again?  When did we decide that it was better to praise and follow the blindly faithful and ignorant rather than the logical and intelligent? How did we get to this place where our choices for leadership from one party includes a

My Birthday gift to YOU

In celebration of my birthday tomorrow, I have decided to do a FREE promotion of Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) for the Kindle. Please spread the word to all your friends! Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) – FREE for Kindle tomorrow (September 2nd) and Thursday (September 3rd). Denied his powers, a prophesied sorcerer must reclaim what he’s lost. Caught up in a rebellion between a powerful King and his equally strong-willed daughter in a land where sorcery is

Seeker – Kindle Countdown Sale

In celebration of my birthday next week, I have decided to do a FREE promotion of Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) for the Kindle. I would GREATLY appreciate if you would spread the word to all your friends! Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book I) – FREE for Kindle September 2nd and 3rd  (next Wednesday and Thursday) in celebration of my birthday! Denied his powers, a prophesied sorcerer must reclaim what he’s lost. Caught up in a rebellion between a

Seeker – Kindle Countdown Sale

Books make excellent gifts! Even eBooks! Today (Friday 12/12) through Sunday (12/14), Seeker – The Source Chronicles I, is on sale for Kindle for just $.99. I thought a holiday promotional sale was a good idea. There is an element of Seeker I have not written about before – and that’s the human element. The world of t’Thera may be a fantasy world, but even the sorcerous are human. Like the people we all know, these humans are flawed. Perfectly

Pathwalking 115

Jealousy is a useless emotion. Our emotions serve numerous purposes.  They let us feel beyond intellect, beyond the most basic knowledge into a far broader world.  Our wide gamut of emotions is part of what makes each of us so unique. Most emotions serve a purpose.  They let us know if we are in a positive or negative mindset.  They let us express ourselves beyond words, facial expressions, and any other physical gestures.  Emotions cover a vast array of topics,

Pathwalking 114

No matter how many answers you come up with, there are always more questions. This, however, is a very good thing. Life is constantly changing.  There are always new things to discover, to learn, to experience.  Even when day after day is largely similar, there are always going to be moments where there is new and different and unique. Thus there are always questions.  Even when you find answers to your questions, you still get more questions.  I am going

Pathwalking 113

A tiger cannot change its stripes, they say. Some people firmly believe that people in general are incapable of changing.  I am here to tell you that this is bullshit. ANYBODY can change.  Period.  The main issue is – do you want to change? You may question why I am emphasizing want.  That is because even if you need change, you have to WANT it to make it happen.  It is only with a deep, emotional desire to change that

Pathwalking 102

Along your chosen path you will encounter a wide variation of people. Some you will simply pass by.  Some will be allies, some opponents.  Friends, acquaintances, family, lovers, other dreamers will come into and in many instances depart from your life. As we grow and change so to do our associations.  Friends become lovers or enemies or fade away or simply remain friends.  Family become closer or more distant, those once close are lost and those once lost become close