The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 89

I have discussed the power of gratitude before.  But it is SO important to Pathwalking, it really bears repeating. It is almost impossible to improve upon what you have in life, whether it is something material or immaterial, if you are not already grateful for what you DO have. Great or small, tangible or intangible, important or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely necessary that you have gratitude. There are times gratitude feels hard.  When you

Pathwalking 88

I know what I want to do.  I can see the Path I want to choose to walk.  That does not mean it is always easy, or clear.  Some days, I do not know if I am only seeing my path, or traveling upon it. Morpheus says in The Matrix, “Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.”  Yoda says in The Empire Strikes Back,

Pathwalking 87

I have come to realize that if I am having doubts and issues and struggles along MY path, it is certain you are too.  Pathwalking began as a challenge to myself to post something to the blog weekly, and has evolved into a lifestyle choice, and a philosophy that I think can be beneficial to practically everyone. But with any lifestyle choice that encourages going “against the grain” or outside of the “status quo”, there are unique challenges. Many of

Pathwalking 86

Change is inevitable. Change will happen, no matter how much you would rather it did not.  Change is a part of life, it is a constant, and it cannot be denied. We can put it off, we can neglect it, we can rail against it.  But it will happen, and it will take place, for good or ill.  Change comes. People often think themselves victims of circumstance, victims of change.  But we all have within us the power to direct

Pathwalking 85

While we are singular beings, we are made of many components.  Some are physical and tangible, like our organs and limbs and such – some are intangible – like our soul, spirit, and emotions. While exploring the topic of trust, I touched on three separate but equal aspects that make up the human experience.  I thought it might not be a bad idea to explore these further, as they play a greater part in our make-up than just with regards

Pathwalking 84

So far we have looked at trust on several levels.  It began with an analysis of the notion of trust, and how important trusting yourself it.  Then I continued with answering the question What do you do to regain lost trust?  I explored the absolute importance of forgiveness to this process, and how complex this notion really is.  After that, I continued to explore the importance of trust, and how deeply necessary trusting yourself is. The question I have not

Pathwalking 83

Trust is a multi-faceted concept many of us find difficult at best.  When a breach of trust is an external issue you are faced with, what to do with the person/entity that did this?  Do you keep them in your life, let them go, move them from inner circles to outer circles?  But when it comes to the self you don’t have the same option. Of course, one could argue, you DO have that option.  You can take on an

Pathwalking 82

Trust is a multi-faceted concept many of us find difficult at best.  Trust is reliance on something tangible or intangible, holding onto confidence and hope.  That is what trust is. Last week I began to explore that trust in the self is in many respects even more vital than trust in any external force or entity.  Without proper trust in who I am, and what I want to do, walking my own Path will be almost impossible. I concluded by

Pathwalking 81

Trust is a multi-faceted concept many of us find difficult at best. Trust takes on a lot of forms, and can have a lot of meanings.  It is not a simple concept or just a word, it is a tenet of human existence. What does trust mean?  Extracting key elements of its meaning from, we know that trust means: noun reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence;  confident expectation of something; hope. verb (used without object) to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something (usually followed by in or to): to trust in another’s honesty, trusting to luck; to have confidence; hope: Things work out if one only trusts. To sum it up, trust is reliance on something tangible or intangible,

Pathwalking 80

It is never in your own best interest to ignore an inspired idea. Yet often, we do.  And we make all sorts of excuses – It’s too impractical.  There isn’t enough time/money/resources for that.  I am unable to do that.  I can dream, but I cannot make the dream reality.  It’s impossible. When we fall into this trap, it becomes truth.  Truth is not, as many people believe, a simple notion.  I have long said there are three brands to