The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why is Forgiving Yourself so Important?

Because forgiving yourself changes your energy and opens you to conscious reality creation. The number of times I have fucked things up in my life is pretty impressive. I mean, when it comes to doing it wrong, choosing poorly, and generally screwing up in some way or other – I am a pro. How many of you can make the same statement? Do you also believe yourself to be a professional fuck-up? Or maybe you haven’t reached the level of

The Challenge of Prioritizing

Multiple paths can’t be traveled all at once. Prioritizing is the key to choosing their order. I love to have a lot to do. Frankly, when I have nothing to do, I get restless. Hence, there is more than one path I am on at this time. Each path takes me to an overall end goal of feeling more connected between myself and the world. But I am just one man. I can’t be in two places at once (okay,

Why This Path?

Exploring why this path is the right path and what that means. Nobody has one single path they will take in their lifetime. You will choose more than one path along the way. This occurs for multiple reasons. At different times in your life, you’ll desire different things. What you desire as a child is likely not what you desire as a teen. The things you desire change as you grow and change. When I started college, I wanted to

What is Situational Awareness?

Situational awareness is the knowledge of others and how they impact you and vice versa. As much as I love fencing and one-on-one combat, I have an equal love for melee combat. Melee combat, for those unfamiliar with the concept, involves combat between two or more fighters against like or greater numbers. The dynamics of combat change dramatically when the numbers increase. Tactics for two-on-two differ from one-on-one. Now multiply that by a LOT. Tactics for dozens versus dozens are

A Change of Perspective

While my perspective has changed throughout my life, I still need a change of perspective today. It is all too easy to look at what you do not have. The things that you have not yet accomplished, the ongoing processes and insufficient results, and on and on. Despite my philosophy and conscious reality creation work, I still find myself looking at what I haven’t got yet. For example – I’m still not earning the kind of money I believe that

One Person, Many Paths – One Mind and Mindfulness

I am just one person. But there are many paths I can choose from. Practicing mindfulness is the key to Pathwalking and like philosophies. Many people believe that life is beyond their control. Shit happens, you go with whatever comes your way. You do what you gotta do – and unless you are somehow special, expect nothing but the bare minimums. Let’s just dispel that right off the bat. Every. Single. Person. On. The. Planet. Is. Amazing. The potential and

One Day at a Time

Today isn’t yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be today. One day at a time. When I was younger, I was super high-strung. It didn’t take a lot for me to get out-of-sorts. And my temper? Yeah, there were numerous walls and doors over the years I put a fist or foot into in anger. I know I wrecked a whole bunch of my cordless phones by throwing them in my 20s. During my 30s, following the nearly crippling accident that made me

Take Joy in Your Path

Why would you choose a path if it wouldn’t bring you joy? Why do you do what you do? That’s a loaded question with different answers, dependent on the “what.” For certain obligations and expectations, the answer is responsibility, to earn money, contribute to society, etc. But what about goals? Big or small, why do you do what you do to reach an intended goal? The answer, I am guessing, is satisfaction. You seek that sense of achievement, of accomplishment,

That was Unexpected

But that’s how the path goes sometimes. Expect the unexpected. The biggest goal I have for my life is to do something that makes the world a better place. It is my greatest desire to have a positive impact on the world. I hope to help people lead better lives, do more amazing things, and generally experience all the potential and possibilities. There are two paths of a similar ilk that I am taking along that way. The first is

Never Make the Goal Too Rigid

It’s important to have a goal – but it needs to retain flexibility. You never know what you may get. When you set a goal for yourself you still need to leave the Universe some wiggle room. What does that mean? It means that having a goal is important. But at the same time, there needs to be room for it to expand beyond your intent. The Universe is a funny thing. It is made up of abundance and endless

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