The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 224

I am not a fraud. Why am I stating this?  Because I am sitting here in front of my computer, and struggling.  What am I supposed to be writing about this week?  What words of wisdom should I be sharing?   Why do I feel like I am a big fat liar? For over four years I have been writing about this notion of walking my own path and finding my own way in the universe.  For over four years I

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Pathwalking 223

There are a lot of different things on my mind, and it is causing me to lack in focus. Some are pretty big picture, way out of my personal control matters.  Some are very much in the here-and-now.  And some are dreams, desires and destinations I want to reach. Everybody gets caught up in this.  We all have personal matters, professional matters, and worldly concerns.  As I analyze this, I am beginning to think that we often allow the things

Pathwalking 222

It is important to leave the past in the past. As much as I am never one to hold a grudge, I do still hold onto many things from my past.  And unfortunately, not in a good way. We always can learn from the past.  The key, however, is to not take it with you into the present and on to the future. Let me explain in more detail. When I went to college I began with zero direction.  I

Pathwalking 161

What happens when you run out of choices? The truth is, you never run out of choices. However, sometimes a situation reaches a point where the options available to you all appear to be undesirable. We forget that we are currently the product of our past thoughts and actions. Who we are at this moment is directly related to who we have conjured ourselves to be. What does that mean? If, as I regularly posit, consciousness creates reality, then what

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