The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: Finding Joy

What brings me joy? Sunlight.  Writing.  Reading.  Time with my wife.  Time with my friends.  My cats.  My niece and my nephews.  Driving with the windows down and the radio blasting.  Helping other people. I want more joy in my life.  I want to spend more time happy, excited to greet the day and write my stories and share my blogs and do everything I can to make at least my corner of the world the best place that it

Pathwalking 280

Balancing living in the now with our overall perception of time is an interesting challenge. As I concluded last week, I have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the societal obsession with time, and my work to withdraw from that perception is a challenge.  But because I desire to consciously create the reality I most want to have, I am doing anything and everything I can think of to more regularly live in the here and now. What tools do I have

Crossing the Bridges: Empathy and Feeling Joy

Feeling joy has been something of a challenge of late.  I am an empath.  As an empath, I constantly feel the emotional states of other people around me. What does that mean?  It means when many, many of my friends and loved ones are feeling anxious because of, oh, say, awful acts of inhumanity on the part of our government…I get not only my own anger, frustration and dismay over what is happening, but also all of theirs as well.

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Finding the balance between living in the now and setting goals for the future is uniquely challenging. Pathwalking is about taking control of your destiny, and making choices along the path of life to manifest what you want from it.  This is not just living life come-what-may, like so many people do, but instead making decisions, making choices about raising your vibrational energy, and manifesting a life you want to live. Why bother?  Because I don’t know about you, but

Crossing the Bridges: Time

We are obsessed with time. Time factors into our lives in ways we hardly pay attention to, but there it is.  We are constantly exploring matters of time, events, dates, appointments, past, present, future, and on and on.  Time is everywhere, and we are frequently coping with a perceived shortage or overage of it. Why am I going on about this?  Because I am sitting here, spending my time doing nothing.  On the plus side, as I write this, I

Pathwalking 278

Breaking the routine is hard. When you have set up habitual ways of doing things, it is tremendously difficult to change them. We don’t recognize all of our habitual behaviors as habits.  When we think of habits, we think of things like smoking and drinking and chewing off our fingernails and so on.  But any routine we do on a regular basis is a habit. Oftentimes, when we get stuck on the path we are trying to traverse, or having

Crossing the Bridges: Nothing to Fear

Fear is like an obscuring mist, covering each step in uncertainty. Doubt, uncertainty, dis-ease, discomfort, anxiety are all specific manifestations of fear.  Worst of all, they come from a most intangible and illusive fear. I have written quite a lot about fear.  Both for Pathwalking and Positivity and even amongst my topical rants, fear is a subject I come back to rather frequently.  Why?  Because fear is one of the most pervasive driving forces of our modern society. Those in

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Give up, change tactics, start over, or keep pushing on? Everybody experiences points where you realize that you have to choose.  Give up the path you are on, change tactics for your approach to it, start a new approach to the path from the beginning, or keep pushing as you are. This can be a loaded issue, because there are pros and cons to all four options.  Only you can decide which is going to be best in the given

Crossing the Bridges: Taking Steps

Crossing the bridges is only possible when you start taking steps. I intend to become a best-selling author.  While I write several different things in different genres, one of the intents of this particular blog is determining better ways to traverse bridges between these writing styles. However, in many respects, the first bridge I need to cross is between the life I currently have to the life that I actually want to have. I have written it before, and I

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Writing makes me feel good. It doesn’t seem to matter what I write.  It can be words for business, it could be web content, it could be this blog, or it could be my next great work of fantasy.  Whatever it is, writing grounds me, centers me, makes me feel good and opens the channels of creative energy. Not everyone is a writer.  But everyone has a thing, or even more than one thing, that produces this sort of feeling.