The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The Wrong Side of History

Dear haters, bigots, misogynists, and homophobes, Congratulations – you are on the wrong side of history. I am sorry to tell you that your hatred will not change public policy. Blacks, women, homosexuals, Hispanics, Hindis, Muslims, transgendered, fat and thin people and everyone else all will win equality, because that is what is right. There is no “gay agenda”, except maybe they want to be treated like everyone else. There is no Muslim world take-over conspiracy, the vast majority of

Equal Rights and Religious Freedom

The United States of America is NOT, repeat, NOT a Christian Country. Period. End of discussion. Further, please correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t Jesus preach equality? From the low to the high, all are children of God and should be respected as such? Who do you think you are claiming your hatred, your bigotry, your discrimination, or your misogyny is in the name of God? Let’s discuss another absolute fact. There is no war against Christianity in

Thoughts on opposition

Do you know what happens if we stand against one another, in opposition?  Do you know what we accomplish, what we achieve? Nothing. That’s right.  Opposing this and standing against that and resisting things gets you a whole lot of nothing.  It gets you nowhere. Look at the federal government.  Rather than work on a replacement for Obamacare, what do they do?  Oppose it.  And what do they accomplish?  Nothing. Carl Jung told it simply.  “What you resist, persists.” What