The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 215

I have never chosen the conventional path. Before I came up with the idea of Pathwalking, I still never managed to conform to any normal path. This goes back a long, long ways as I examine it. As a kid I was not like the other kids in a number of ways I read at a higher level, I came from one of at the time few single-parent homes. I never quite meshed with the religious community in which I

Pathwalking 214

Even when you are actively Pathwalking, there are responsibilities you cannot just ignore. I can imagine how some people may see the idea of Pathwalking as slacking. Choosing the thing you want to do over the things you should be doing – but that could not be further from the truth. There is still responsibility and accountability when it comes to Pathwalking. In fact, I could even argue that that is what it is all about. This week I am

Pathwalking 214

Even when you are actively Pathwalking, there are responsibilities you cannot just ignore. I can imagine how some people may see the idea of Pathwalking as slacking. Choosing the thing you want to do over the things you should be doing – but that could not be further from the truth. There is still responsibility and accountability when it comes to Pathwalking. In fact, I could even argue that that is what it is all about. This week I am

Pathwalking 213

What do you do if the path you are on crumbles beneath your feet? First – yes, this can happen. While Pathwalking is something that you control there are always factors that can have a direct impact on your chosen path that you have no control over. Perfect example – your job. Whether you work for yourself or for someone else, the job you choose to work is a part of the path you are walking. One of my goals

Pathwalking 212

I just want to cocoon in my bed. We all have days like this. No matter how hard we try to find positivity, no matter how much we work to maintain a good head space, nothing seems to work. I am walking upon the path I have chosen, and despite knowing that there will be bumps and twists and turns and obstacles along the way I am finding negotiating my path particularly challenging. I am being effected by things far

Pathwalking 211

They don’t have the answers. Who are they? They are the people who tell you what is normal and not normal. The people who seek out extremes like black vs white, male vs female, rich vs poor and so on. The people who point out flaws, problems, things we should be distrustful of. Anyone who tells you if you do not follow in their same way you’re wrong. I don’t have the answers. The best teachers and therapists I have

Pathwalking 210

Welcome to the new year! So, as promised, I have begun to keep a goal log. What is a goal log? That’s really good question. This is my take on the answer. I went looking to find if there was some sort of an app for my phone that would handle this task as I foresaw it. Certainly I found a couple options, but nothing quite spoke to me. Also – I didn’t care to pay for an app at

Pathwalking 192

Today is my birthday. My birthday is my personal New Year’s Day. So what? What does that have to do with Pathwalking? If this is the start of a new year, then it is the perfect opportunity to set new actions to take. I have written before that I do not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but rather New Year’s actions. Resolving is a passive concept, while taking action is direct. It is through one of my first new year’s

Pathwalking 158

With the choice of any new path, there will be risk. Most of us spend at least some, often really much, of our time in the familiar. We find a comfort zone, and we do what we can to stay within it. It is a safe place to occupy, and it feels like a good fit. The problem is, things change. This is probably the most unavoidable fact in the entire universe. Everything will change. It may be unbelievably slow

Pathwalking 157

What thoughts, feelings and actions will put me on the Path I desire? This is going to be different for me than it is for you, but today I am going to take my first New Year’s Action and share some of it here. First, let me reiterate an idea I began to explore over three years ago. Lots of people make New Year’s Resolutions. They come up with ideas to make changes and take actions…but they never seem to