The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 183

Do you play the blame game? The trouble with blame is that it assigns responsibility to an outside party for some bad thing, wrong doing or other matter. Often we blame because it is a far easier thing than accountability. Blame assigns fault away, and does nothing to correct matters. This is where blame is utterly pointless – it offers no solutions. Things happen to us and around us that are not our fault. We sometimes find ourselves in a

Pathwalking 182

Faith is not necessarily a dirty word. This is something I have to remind myself of for a number of reasons. Faith has nothing to do with religion. Just like morality, spirituality and religion are all separate tenets, faith can be interlinked with or independent of any of these three ideals. When I know that something is possible, or that something is coming to pass, even when I cannot see or comprehend the how of it, that is where my

Pathwalking 181

What do you want to be when you grow up? We all got asked this question along the way. The answer, unsurprisingly, changed as we got older. The thing of this is – why did that answer change? Sometimes it was based on who we are and what we learn. We often want to be very different things as children than we want to be as adults, or else I suspect we’d have far more lion tamers, acrobats and bulldozer

Pathwalking 180

An optimistic outlook is a good thing. Yet nowadays optimism is all-too-often viewed with cynicism and skepticism. We have come to see optimism as this pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored utopian concept, rather than as a tool of positive energies, positivity and manifestation. I have become amazed at how readily I will discuss the notion of positive energy and being in a positive rather than a negative vibe, yet never mention the notion of optimism. It’s almost as if I am afraid that

Positivity: Why?

Why is positivity so important? Simple answer – because like attracts like. We live in a world of negative messages. We are bombarded by bad news, horror stories, and tales of woe. We can hardly turn without someone commenting about how bad this is or how awful that is. When we focus on negativity, we gather more of it to us. We attract negativity, and we find ourselves inundated with it. Read the news online, watch any news program, and

Positivity: Manifestation

It is possible to manifest anything you need in life. Many people believe, because society believes, that manifesting the life you most desire is fantasy. Hookey-spookey BS. Delusional. The pipe dream of the hippy-crunchy-granola new agey types. It is, however, possible. Manifestation is not a simple process. It requires energy, it requires action. To manifest anything you want, you need to believe that it is possible. You cannot doubt that it will be, you have to make it real. You

Positivity: Conversation

It is amazing what you can get from a conversation. It is all well and good to send e mails and letters and text messages to communicate. However, they are no substitute for the interaction and give and take of an actual conversation. You can get to know people on a level that really does not exist in any other format. The delay between messages is non-existent, and the interaction is not just words, but tone, facial expressions, body language,

Pathwalking 132

I have often written about how important emotion is to Pathwalking. You cannot simply choose to think through what you want to manifest in your life, you have to feel it. If you cannot put the feeling behind the thought, and then add corresponding action, you will more-or-less turn about in a circle. It is an absolute necessity that you not only think and take action to choose your path, but you also feel your way along it. If you

Positivity: Stuck in Neutral

I am not feeling negative. However, neither am I feeling a tremendous amount of positivity just now. What do you do when you are stuck in neutral? Neutral is not the worst place to be. You find yourself in a middle ground, between negative and positive, and you thus stand between the extremes. From neutral you have the opportunity to choose where you want to lean. Do you allow positivity to flow into and through you, or negativity to do

Pathwalking 131

How do you let go when you are feeling defeated? When you are at a loss, when you feel as though you have jumped hurdle after hurdle and still come away without a win, how do you let it go? As I explored last week, whether you are a winner or a loser in a given situation, accepting it with bitterness or grace makes a tremendous difference in what will come next. It will also have a profound effect on