The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 181

What do you want to be when you grow up? We all got asked this question along the way. The answer, unsurprisingly, changed as we got older. The thing of this is – why did that answer change? Sometimes it was based on who we are and what we learn. We often want to be very different things as children than we want to be as adults, or else I suspect we’d have far more lion tamers, acrobats and bulldozer

Pathwalking 180

An optimistic outlook is a good thing. Yet nowadays optimism is all-too-often viewed with cynicism and skepticism. We have come to see optimism as this pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored utopian concept, rather than as a tool of positive energies, positivity and manifestation. I have become amazed at how readily I will discuss the notion of positive energy and being in a positive rather than a negative vibe, yet never mention the notion of optimism. It’s almost as if I am afraid that

Pathwalking 179

What happens when you find yourself in transition? What is a transition? In the idea of Pathwalking that would be the space between paths. It is the place where you are moving from one path to another, but it feels as if no movement is happening. We all find ourselves in moments of transition. We are stuck between notions, trapped between ideas, and we find we are plagued by uncertainty. We find ourselves unsure of how to proceed, but we

Pathwalking 178

We are perfect. We are often told that perfection is the pinnacle of all struggle, that we need to give everything we’ve got to achieve it, and that it is frequently out of our reach. Pathwalking has opened my eyes to a lot of truths about humanity. One is that no matter how much we succeed or fail, we are already perfect. I am learning that perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Like beauty, perfection exists

Positivity: Nature

Nature is full of amazing beauty and surprises. Pretty much every color you can imagine can be found in nature. There are insects, animals, plants, clouds and skies of any hue you can think of, and they are wondrous to behold. Nature is an incredible source of positivity. When you are walking along a trail, or sitting out on a beach, or picking apples in an orchard the energy of nature can suffuse you with intense positivity. The sights, sounds,

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