The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Choosing to Decide Your Own Path Is Not Wrong

Even in the current world situation, you both can and should decide on your life choices. Every single day of your life you are faced with choices. The vast majority are pretty minor. When to get out of bed; what, where, and when to eat; what to wear; who to talk to; and so on. Small choices without which you would likely do nothing but turn into an unkempt lump barely recognizable as a human being. Frequently, when it comes

Choose Your Battles Wisely

That means you can’t choose not to battle all the time, either. It was pointed out to me recently that it’s a very male thing to make everything about combat. I suspect that’s true. Let’s face it, wars have always been started by men. I cannot, for the life of me, think of any war that was started by a woman (maybe Cleopatra? Admittedly, I have not researched this claim). I am well aware that women have participated in combat

Achieving Balance with Positivity

Now, more than ever, we need to find and/or create positivity just to recover balance. Spend any amount of time online at all and you will be practically drowned in negativity. Between COVID-19, social unrest, horrific politics, greed, corruption, world affairs, and all the rest of the happenings of 2020 – it is simply too much. So much uncertainty, so many things making little to no sense. Fear and anger at levels I’ve certainly never experienced before. The scales of

Please Be Accountable

Taking responsibility and being accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and actions matters in all you do. Modern society hates to be accountable. But damn, do they love to blame. President Babygate blames everyone for all of his shortcomings and inadequacies. Nothing is ever his responsibility, his doing, his fault – unless it makes him look good to his base. From the top down it’s all about the “other” and placing blame while never being accountable or responsible. It’s easy for

Your Feelings are Valid

Nobody should be dismissive any anyone’s feelings – positive or negative. As a human being, you have feelings. Feelings can be an incredible source of strength. The ability to feel in the way humans feel is a huge part of what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Who you are, at your core, is an amalgam of intangibles both near the surface and deeply embedded in your psyche. Mindfulness – thoughts, feelings, and actions – are the

Should I still Walk my Path During this Chaos?

Since the present is the only time that is truly real, now is the time to walk my path. But not without certain considerations. It feels like the world is going mad. There is a pandemic that has not disappeared, despite other stuff happening. The protests against injustice and police brutality are a valid reaction to the number of black people being killed over nothing – especially when white people never face the same threats for equal or greater crimes.

Have you lost your way – or – has the way lost you?

How can you recognize the state of your way and what can you do about it? There is no avoiding present circumstances. The world is in the midst of turmoil and change like nobody has ever encountered before. Between COVID-19, ludicrous politics, greed on levels never before imagined, and countless other negatives I could point out here – everything is uncertain. Not just a few things. EVERYTHING. Currently, life IS uncertainty. With a few exceptions, people are finding themselves coping

Why do we need positivity now more than ever?

Because fighting fire with fire (or negativity with negativity) never works. Positivity matters in conscious reality creation. Perfect vision is indicated by 20/20. It is not without irony that the year 2020 is proving to be among the cloudiest and least clear years on record. COVID-19 has created the greatest amount of uncertainty and related negativity most of us have ever experienced. Never before has the future been so utterly lacking in clarity. When will we be able to cease

You Can Learn a Lot by Watching and Listening

Sometimes it’s in your best interest not to speak, but just to observe. There is a particular topic I have been working with for many years now. I’ve had a great deal of time, practice, and experience, and I think I have developed some knowledge along the way. I know I am not the only one with knowledge and experience on this topic. However, because of the length of time I have been working with this, my age, and some

Living is an Intentional Action

Living and just existing are two different notions. I read a quote that inspired me the other day. It is attributed to Oscar Wilde. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Everyone exists, but not everyone chooses to truly live. What’s the difference? I believe it is intention. Intentional action, to be specific. Every single day you exist. You breathe, do things, go about your day, and exist. A lot of this is

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