The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?

There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone else. Each of us is unique.  We have our own gifts, our own talents, our particular, special way.  Yes, we are made up of the same basic molecular structure, and our souls are all interconnected…but we are still separate, unique consciousnesses. Consciousness creates reality in part because what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our singular consciousness.  Our lot is not just to survive, propagate and thrive,

What Do You Desire for Today?

What will I find that I desire for today? Though today may have many similarities to yesterday, it will still be different. That’s because every single day of our lives is unique.  I know that that doesn’t always feel true, but it absolutely is. The ambient temperature, humidity and pressure are different.  We likely are wearing different clothing.  What we eat will vary.  Yes, these are all really small, seemingly insignificant things, but the devil is in the details.  All

Why Do You Deserve What You Desire?

Why do you deserve what you desire?  The short answer is simply – because you do. The slightly longer answer is because you deserve what you desire because you are capable of creating an incredible life where you are content and happy, because you can. The much longer answer is that you deserve what you desire because we live in an abundant universe.  Because of that abundance, and our power as creators, we are able to manifest our desires, and

Will You Get Uncomfortable?

Getting uncomfortable on purpose seems kind of backwards. Yet when we leave our comfort zones and work our lives away from familiarity, that’s precisely what we’re doing. I hate this part. There is nothing more disconcerting than effecting a major change in your life.  Really, how crazy is it to move away from the comfortable, on purpose, in order to create something that may be better…or, possibly, might be worse? But that is how consciousness creates reality.  We make our

How Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

They say that familiarity breeds contempt.  Whether you apply this to a person, a place, or a thing, it tends to ring true. This is where the comfort zone exists.  It is familiarity, it is the known, and it provides us with a sense of ease and contentment.  If we get too comfortable, change becomes that much harder.  Change is, of course, inevitable. Familiarity is not necessarily a bad thing.  But too much time with the familiar leaves us feeling

What do You do With Your Personal Demons?

We all have our personal demons.  They manifest in different ways, sometimes they are subtle, sometimes overt.  They are the things that keep us from going to the places we wish to go in life. Personal demons can manifest as the devil on your shoulder, the voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, worthy or deserving.  Brain weasels or brain squirrels, whichever rodent you identify, are another manifestation of the personal demon. This can

How do you Savor the Moment?

Savor the moment.  Be grateful, and excited, and enjoy it, here and now. As you are reading this my annual vacation is drawing to an end.  I have been enjoying a week of rest and relaxation with friends and chosen family, unwinding and de-stressing.  Fun, good company, and an opportunity to hit the reset button. Rather than become bummed out that my vacation is over, though, I am going to savor the moment.  From there, I am going to take

Why are Rest and Relaxation Important?

When was the last time you allowed yourself real rest and relaxation? I am not talking about sleep, or a little weekend escape, I mean actual, factual relaxation and resting from your responsibilities? Modern society frowns on taking breaks.  We have this incessant need to go go go, and anybody who doesn’t reflect that is either lazy, entitled, or otherwise not contributing to the greater good. Is that total bullshit, or what? Yes, the human body needs to rest.  Sleep

How Do You Hit the Reset Button?

Everybody needs a chance to hit the reset button. Whether it is merely for a few minutes, a night, or an extended vacation, hitting the reset button is essential to our wellbeing.  We might have things that need to be done on a regular basis, but we still need to rest and relax from time to time.  That is what it means to hit the reset button. Despite negative connotations in the idea of rest and relaxation, such as slacking

How Does Embracing Change Work?

Embracing change, rather than resisting it, serves us best. Nobody denies that change is scary.  Humans seek comfort, be it in our homes, relationships, clothing, foods we consume, and so forth.  There is a certain level of comfort in the familiar.  As such, when that which we are used to changes, it can be extremely disconcerting. Like it or not, change will occur.  That is the nature of the universe.  Change is a constant.  Embracing change, therefore, will smooth any

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