The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do I Interfere With My Path?

There are always things which will interfere with your chosen path. Many of these things are beyond our control.  I can’t do anything about current government stupidity, hurricanes, foreign wars, and the overall negative attitude of other people.  Yes, I can write letters to the leadership, support hurricane relief funds, and take other proactive actions.  However, it’s important to recognize that this is limited, and needs to be proactive rather than reactive. Why proactive?  Because if we are constantly reacting

What Do I Choose?

What I choose is what is best for me. Nobody but me can choose what I want for my life.  Why?  Because there is nobody else inside my head. People question people’s life choices all the time.  I don’t know if it’s a schadenfreude thing, or a judgement thing, or something else.  We talk about it all the time, and we frequently discuss how we might have chosen differently, or comment about disagreeing with choices that have been made. It’s

Am I Being Proactive?

You may have noticed that by-and-large I only post positive, proactive thoughts. Part of the reason why I choose this is because I feel horridly inundated by negativity.  There are so many things happening in the world right now that are upsetting.  Sometimes it is really hard to stay focused on creating good, because it feels increasingly futile. I began writing Positivity on Mondays to combat frequent negative messages at the start of the work week.  This has been really

Do I Know Who I Am?

I have a pretty good idea about who I am. Yes, in some respects I am two people – one in the real world, one in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) – but overall, I am simply me. I wrote about this yesterday at my author website.  But one of the bridges that I am frequently working with is the one between MJ and Malcolm.  Who I am and what I do in the SCA versus the mundane world,

What Do You Take-Away From This?

What you take-away from a less-than-desirable situation is important.  Seeing the good you learned from the bad is the key to this. We all have bad experiences.  There are going to be things that happen that are infuriating, complicated, difficult and unpleasant.  Life cannot always be perfect.  Frankly, if it was, I think we’d all get really really bored of it. When bad things happen – and they will – what you take away from them is important.  If you

Who Gives You Permission?

You need nobody’s permission to walk your own path in life. But you will receive an awful lot of advice, and help both useful and not from people. When you decide to walk your own path, if, like mine, it is in any way unconventional, people will question it.  When enough people question what you have chosen, inevitably YOU will begin to question it, too. We all have people in our lives who feel they have carte blanche in regards

How Do I Break the Pattern?

I am the only one who can break the pattern.  But I don’t have all the answers. More often than not what I have is more questions. I believe that this is one of the things, though, that makes life worth living.  New questions, new things to learn, answers to be found for questions asked. I have been asking myself a lot of questions lately.  That’s what I do when I find myself on unfamiliar ground.  Here I am, between

Where do you find your Path?

Where do you find your path? This can be a daunting question.  Finding the path you want to walk is a matter of necessity. No two paths are the same.  Similar in some respects, but not the same.  For example, it is my personal goal to become a bestselling author.  While there are lots of bestselling authors out there, each of us will traverse different paths to that goal. Knowing my path, where did I find it?  The simple answer

Why “To Decide” is Very Important to Crossing the Bridges of Life

If I don’t bother to decide, I leave my fate up to my subconscious. Sure, I could blame outside influences or circumstances or what-have-you.  But the truth is that when I don’t make conscious decisions, my subconscious is driving the bus. This can be a particularly complicated concept to grasp.  Probably the biggest reason why is because we live in a society that lacks accountability. Our government is the perfect example of this fact.  At almost every level, nobody takes

What Will be the Rewards and Consequences of my Decisions?

Conscious reality creation takes place in the now. We cannot undo the past, and as Yoda says, “Always in motion is the future.”  The only part of reality we truly control is the present. This week has marked several changes on my part.  All of them involved decisions.  One was in regards to changing this blog for its growth, one will close a long-standing issue I’ve spent more than half-a-decade trying to resolve.  In both instances I had to make

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