The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 121

Critical thinking takes time and energy. We live in a society where things happen almost impossibly fast.  We can communicate instantly across the globe, we can pull up the weather on our smartphones in seconds, we can research information across the internet with a few keyclicks and so on. We have come, as such, to expect instant gratification.  We want what we want, and we want it NOW.  We get caught up in our mundane routines, and we let them

Positivity: Sunlight

I don’t know about you, but I am solar powered. I love the sun.  I love the touch of sunlight on my face, and I love it’s warmth upon my skin.  There is something very refreshing, calming, and enlightening about sunlight. Many a day has been improved when I have stepped into the sunlight.  The brightness of course in certain circumstances can be a bit overwhelming, but for the most part it is an incredible feeling, and it can generate

Pathwalking 120

Recently I read The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz and his son Don Jose Ruiz.  This is the follow up to the wildly popular book The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. These two books present the idea that we come into this life open, but along the way we make “agreements” with how to live.  We relinquish control to outside influences, and we allow our belief system to be massively complicated and colored by the world we live

Pathwalking 119

Nobody wants to disappoint anyone else. Just like all the other feelings, you cannot control whether someone is disappointed or not.  Yet we all work incredibly hard to make certain we don’t upset and disappoint the people in our lives. Whether friends, family, coworkers or even the Powers-that-be, we are all constantly striving not to disappoint.  We change the way we approach things, we change our intentions, we shift our schedules and we sacrifice to avoid disappointment. Not surprisingly, the

Pathwalking 91

Writers are often classed into one of two categories: Planners and Pantsers. Planners are the ones who create an outline, sometimes with immense details, and plan out their work to a greater or lesser degree.  They know their characters, locations, plot, beginning middle and end.  They have most if not all of their work pre-planned, and they know where they are going throughout the writing process. Pantsers are the ones who are more apt to go with stream-of-consciousness.  They have

Pathwalking 90

We all want to be appreciated. Whether it is something little or something big, we all want to be acknowledged.  We all want to feel that our efforts and works are appreciated. The power of gratitude is important to our own ability to do and to have things, but we cannot deny the power of appreciation.  We need to be grateful for things, but we also need to be acknowledged and appreciated for the things we do. I know no

Pathwalking 89

I have discussed the power of gratitude before.  But it is SO important to Pathwalking, it really bears repeating. It is almost impossible to improve upon what you have in life, whether it is something material or immaterial, if you are not already grateful for what you DO have. Great or small, tangible or intangible, important or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely necessary that you have gratitude. There are times gratitude feels hard.  When you

Pathwalking 88

I know what I want to do.  I can see the Path I want to choose to walk.  That does not mean it is always easy, or clear.  Some days, I do not know if I am only seeing my path, or traveling upon it. Morpheus says in The Matrix, “Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.”  Yoda says in The Empire Strikes Back,

Pathwalking 87

I have come to realize that if I am having doubts and issues and struggles along MY path, it is certain you are too.  Pathwalking began as a challenge to myself to post something to the blog weekly, and has evolved into a lifestyle choice, and a philosophy that I think can be beneficial to practically everyone. But with any lifestyle choice that encourages going “against the grain” or outside of the “status quo”, there are unique challenges. Many of

Individuality and sameness

Humans are unique to this world in so very many ways.  The manner in which we live our lives, the technologies we build, the means by which we communicate is vastly different from the rest of the animals on planet Earth. We are also unique in the ways we differentiate ourselves from one another.  Skin color, religion, nationality, political stance, gender…in our quest for individuality, we identify ourselves in increasingly divisive ways.  Yet we all strive to find common ground.