The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is Selfishness?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Selfishness is not what you think it is. This can be particularly challenging, because a great deal of the way in which we perceive our universe attributes much to selfishness.  And while there are certainly some tremendously selfish people out there, much of what people see as selfish is not. I want to begin with a broad definition of what selfishness is NOT.  Selfishness is not taking

How Am I a Puzzle Piece?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We are all a puzzle piece in this world.  We all fit together…but not always one with the other. Every single one of us is connected.  We all come from the same source, the same oversoul, or if you prefer, God/Goddess, Powers-that-be, etc.  As such, we are all one, or at least all part of the greater whole. Each of us is a puzzle piece that makes

Can You Know Too Much?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   It is good to gain knowledge.  But is there a line between knowing, and when you know too much? Previously I wrote about the topic of knowing.  As I opined there, the key to knowing is to recognize that for the most part, we know far less than we think. So if that is the case, is it even possible to know too much?  And if so,

How Does it Feel to Be Thankful?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What does it feel like to be thankful? I discuss gratitude here a great deal, because of its necessity in conscious reality creation.  Moreover, I frequently explain that thought, and words of the thought, are not enough.  Feeling is an essential element in this manifestation process. It is really easy to say thank you.  Two words, pretty straightforward.  But the in-depth expression of gratitude, to be thankful

Do You Feel Afraid?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What makes you feel afraid? Everybody has things they fear.  Some are tangible, material things like spiders, snakes, and heights.  But the vast majority of what makes us feel afraid are the intangible, immaterial things. These include intimacy, success, failure, abandonment, wealth, and a vast number of feelings and emotions.  Intangibles, maybe, but still impactful on our lives. The fear reflex in each of us is hardwired. 

What Is Impossible?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Nothing is impossible.  Unless, of course, you believe that it is. Look at the world we live in today.  The technologies available to us, the things we have built and continue to build.  Things considered impossible just a hundred years ago are commonplace today. This does not just apply to the material.  Much of the immaterial we believe to be impossible, is not.  It is just a

What if I am Just Not Feeling It?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   I’m doing all that I can, but I am just not feeling it. For more than four-and-a-half years, I have written about Positivity here, every week, without fail.  Over the past week a number of happenings have left me feeling mostly angry, sad, and not positive. A madman shot up a synagogue, and the unsympathetic President blamed the victims.  Another madman sent out bombs to prominent opponents

Atonement from What?

Today is the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur.  It is the holiest day of the year in Judaism.  It is on this day that those who practice Judaism ask God to forgive them for all the sins they may have committed during the year, and once again inscribe them into the Book of Life for the New Year. I was born and raised Jewish, and used to attend services every Yom Kippur, and as is tradition I would fast on

Who Are You Trying to Impress?

There is nobody you need to impress but yourself. I know that this seems like a lie.  But it is one of the greatest truths there is. There are always going to be people who dislike you, or disapprove of you.  When they are acquaintances it’s a very different thing than when they are close friends or family.  Some of the ideas we have, decisions and choices we make, actions we take will not align with other people’s values, beliefs,

What Do You Desire for Today?

What will I find that I desire for today? Though today may have many similarities to yesterday, it will still be different. That’s because every single day of our lives is unique.  I know that that doesn’t always feel true, but it absolutely is. The ambient temperature, humidity and pressure are different.  We likely are wearing different clothing.  What we eat will vary.  Yes, these are all really small, seemingly insignificant things, but the devil is in the details.  All