The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 103

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  – Albert Einstein. As a Pathwalker, I choose my path every day.  I have a course plotted, an idea in my head for where I am, where I want to be, and even how I want to get there.  As I have stated before, there are numerous twists, turns, bumps in the road, diversions and other incidentals that will occur along any given path. As much as

Pathwalking 102

Along your chosen path you will encounter a wide variation of people. Some you will simply pass by.  Some will be allies, some opponents.  Friends, acquaintances, family, lovers, other dreamers will come into and in many instances depart from your life. As we grow and change so to do our associations.  Friends become lovers or enemies or fade away or simply remain friends.  Family become closer or more distant, those once close are lost and those once lost become close

Pathwalking 101

Who is in control of your life? That is where choice comes in.  That is what Pathwalking takes ahold of.  Control. We often look at the world and see who is control of what.  Some of the controls we perceive are pretty enormous, like which corporation controls your elected officials, and what organizations are controlled by the government.  Some are more personal, like the spouse who seems to be in control of your friend and his or her actions and

Pathwalking 100

Perseverance is the difference between a fleeting notion and the pursuit of an idea. After one hundred weeks of posts about this concept of Pathwalking, I thought it an apropos topic. Perseverance is not simply having an idea, it is moving forward in making the intangible idea into a tangible thing.  It is a part of the means to the ends. defines perseverance thus: noun 1.steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. I think nothing summarizes the entire concept of Pathwalking quite like this

Pathwalking 99

Don’t ever give up hope. I could spout all sorts of platitudes and ideas and clichés on this topic, but that gets old and worn fast.  Hope, for its own sake, is a belief, an emotion that is sustenance for the soul. Hope is this strange, obscure tenet that is tremendously misunderstood.  It is often held to simply be that intangible something to be clung to, something worth living for, something not to be let go of.  But it is

Individuality and sameness

Humans are unique to this world in so very many ways.  The manner in which we live our lives, the technologies we build, the means by which we communicate is vastly different from the rest of the animals on planet Earth. We are also unique in the ways we differentiate ourselves from one another.  Skin color, religion, nationality, political stance, gender…in our quest for individuality, we identify ourselves in increasingly divisive ways.  Yet we all strive to find common ground. 


Independence Day.  While there will be celebrations and barbecues and fireworks across the nation, I have to ask a question I know I am not alone in pondering.  Have we lost sight of today’s meaning? On July 4, 1776, 237 years ago, the Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence, separating the United States from the British Empire.  It was a bold, spirited, brave move to win freedom from an oppressive government, and arguably changed the course not only of

Pathwalking 75

Life is a day by day experience. Every day brings with it something new, something different, something unique.  Every day presents a new challenge, a new opportunity, new duties and new privileges. How we approach each new day, right from the start, is going to have a major effect on the day’s outcome.  It is so very easy to forget this fact, and equally easy to let it drag us down to somewhere we would rather not be. If you

Pathwalking 73

We are all creators.  We live in the world we make. This is so very easy to disbelieve.  Circumstances put us in places we never wanted to be, and we don’t always live in the world we would make.  But the statement is still true. “If you will it, it is no dream.”  – Theodore Herzl I Pathwalk because I do not want to be a victim of circumstance, and I want to make my own world.  I want to

Do not let them win

Do not let them win. Who are they?  They are the people who are against us.  They are the people who are working all the time to do whatever they can to change how we live, and more – to have us live in fear. This is not just about the horrid people who would set off bombs in public and murder innocents.  This is about the world in which we live, and our increasing willingness to sacrifice how we

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