The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 162

How do I know if I am on the right path? I am actually pondering this question myself. I am feeling uncertain, and I am finding myself having a hard time with being in the here-and-now as I need to be. Let me share with you my own, personal path as I am walking it now. Today is February 4, 2015. I began the notion of Pathwalking three years ago in January 2012. When I started this concept I was

Pathwalking 161

What happens when you run out of choices? The truth is, you never run out of choices. However, sometimes a situation reaches a point where the options available to you all appear to be undesirable. We forget that we are currently the product of our past thoughts and actions. Who we are at this moment is directly related to who we have conjured ourselves to be. What does that mean? If, as I regularly posit, consciousness creates reality, then what

Pathwalking 160

Disappointment happens. It is something we cannot avoid. When there is something we want or desire or have our hopes about – and that thing does not happen – disappointment occurs. This is a part of human nature. When we have our wants and desires denied us, we become displeased and we cannot help but feel disappointment. Yes, I have stated here rather frequently that you feel what you allow yourself to feel. I have also stated that you should

Pathwalking 159

You are not the product of your environment. Not unless you choose to be. I get to choose who I am. I get to decide what kind of person I am, what kind of person I want to be. No matter my upbringing, the environment in which I live, the social circles in which I interact, I alone am wholly responsible for who I am and who I want to be. There are a lot of messages out there, often

Pathwalking 158

With the choice of any new path, there will be risk. Most of us spend at least some, often really much, of our time in the familiar. We find a comfort zone, and we do what we can to stay within it. It is a safe place to occupy, and it feels like a good fit. The problem is, things change. This is probably the most unavoidable fact in the entire universe. Everything will change. It may be unbelievably slow

Pathwalking 157

What thoughts, feelings and actions will put me on the Path I desire? This is going to be different for me than it is for you, but today I am going to take my first New Year’s Action and share some of it here. First, let me reiterate an idea I began to explore over three years ago. Lots of people make New Year’s Resolutions. They come up with ideas to make changes and take actions…but they never seem to

Pathwalking 156

What am I thinking? What am I feeling? Am I going to create a reality I want, or a reality I don’t want? What thoughts, feelings and actions will put me on the Path I desire? These are the questions I need to answer. These are the questions that will allow me to acquire the path I should truly be on, and to get myself to the place I really want to be. There is one more question, however, that

Pathwalking 155

Be careful what you wish for; be conscious of your thoughts. Consciousness creates reality. I have stated this here repeatedly, because it is a fact. I have seen proof of this in more than one instance, and I am acutely aware that you have to be careful what you put your focus on. I know this. I am completely aware of it. When I have used it consciously, I have manifested amazing things in my life. I healed from severe

Pathwalking 154

This is one of those weeks where composing this is particularly difficult. There is no single reason why, there is no overriding issue causing me stress or displeasure or any other particular negative emotions. I am just having a hard time finding a topic. Perhaps it is time for a little reflection, then. I began Pathwalking as part of a New Year’s action. I was determined that rather than make an empty resolution, easily forgotten and broken, I needed to

Pathwalking 153

How do you Pathwalk in the face of cynicism and skepticism? These two concepts are often confused and mixed, but still amount to much the same thing. In the simplest of terms, a cynic does not believe in selflessness, whereas a skeptic questions the factuality of a given thing. Given today’s society, it should come as no surprise that these two notions are so prevalent, and that they are easy to confuse. And when it comes to Pathwalking I can