The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Small Doses of Positivity

Sometimes you have to take Positivity in small doses. We all go through things where we find ourselves feeling displeased, unhappy, frustrated, sad even.  There are lots of times where we would love to uncover and experience some positivity, but DAMN is it hard to come by! What do you do? You have to take into account the little things.  Moments in time that may, when they occur, feel somewhat insignificant, but in truth they can carry a tremendous amount

Positivity: Blank Canvas

I am a blank canvas. Often this is where I can develop some of my best creativity.  I have nothing in particular in mind, and before I know it I have something I didn’t have before. Today, though, my blank canvas is remaining blank.  Nothing has been coming to mind. I am feeling positive overall. That’s great, I am happy that for the most part I am feeling well, but I have had no idea what I should write about

Positivity: Actions

Every week I conclude with this: Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action. Action can take on a number of different meanings in this context.  It may not be any kind of physical act, it may be an active change in thought or an active change in feelings. When I am feeling particularly down, or anxious, or uncertain, I find that I can’t just hope for the best and await something to provide me a mood changer.  I

Positivity: Not Holding Yourself Back

The only thing that holds most of us back is ourselves. We live in a world that is so full of possibility, opportunity and potential that it’s rather staggering.  Yet we often believe that the world is actually full of lack, or limitations and impossibility. I am not writing about pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored glasses optimism, I am writing about reasonable, fully accessible options we often overlook or disregard or simply don’t completely see. I have been writing for most of my

Positivity: Laughter

Laughter is the best medicine. It may be and old adage, it may be cliché, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  Laughter is a fantastically powerful vehicle to positivity. It is nearly impossible to feel bad when you are laughing.  Not entirely impossible, no, but nearly impossible.  Laughter is a release akin to tears, but much more frequently a positive one.  Something evoked a powerful response, and it made you laugh. Might be a joke.  Maybe someone had

Positivity: Amongst Friends

There is nothing quite like time amongst friends. I got to spend a long weekend with some amazing friends.  There was tons of great conversation, inside jokes, laughter, and camaraderie.  I got to spend quality time with my chosen family, got to build better friendships with others, and even made several new friends along the way. There is nothing quite like friendship to generate positive energy.  I am always pleasantly surprised by how swiftly hanging out with friends makes me

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