The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 172

I have an urgent need to make something in my life manifest. I need to drastically change one of the paths I am on, and in order to make that happen I need to give it the same focus I have previously used when I have succeeded with manifestation before. This is of course easier said than done. This always seems to be the case, frankly. How have I manifested the things I have manifested before? There are two specific

Pathwalking 171

Bring your goal at the end of the path you walk into focus, and the path itself will gain clarity. I have begun to explore redirecting my paths and creating better focus upon them. I concluded by stating I need to work on three steps: 1) Focus on only the things inside of my control. 2) Acknowledge my strengths. Recognize my achievements. 3) Mindfulness. Keep mindful of who I want to be. Be mindful of my focus for the goals

Pathwalking 170

Lack of focus makes manifestation difficult, if not impossible. One of my biggest issues with creating the life I want and really, truly walking my path is a lack of focus. I know what I want to do, I have the idea of how I want my life to be…but I can’t focus enough on the here-and-now to make this happen. Last week I wrote about removing negativity from my focus. To do this I stated three steps: 1) Don’t

Pathwalking 111

Language is not just the words you use. When we communicate, we do so in many languages, sometimes all at once. Language is thought, language is action, language is a multi-faceted, nuanced concept. defines it thus: noun 1. a body of words and the systems for their use common to a people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition: the two languages of Belgium; a Bantu language; the French language; the Yiddish

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