The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 251

Consciousness creates reality. I write that a lot.  Why?  Because this is the truth. Consciousness creates our reality.  What we concentrate on, give thought and feeling and energy and action to, we create.  We manifest things into our life, and we build or destroy our personal world. I know that for a lot of people this seems like total BS.  We live in a world that seems to be beyond our control.  We didn’t manifest our debts, our illnesses, the

Pathwalking 250

Decide to decide. I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have found myself at some crossroads or other because I refused to decide to decide. Decision making is only challenging if you choose for it to be so. For a lot of my life, I was the King of Indecision.  I totally should have bought myself a crown. When I made the decision to take action for the New Year, nearly five years ago now, it

Pathwalking 249

How do you want to feel? This is an important question I do not think we ask of ourselves enough.  Not only do we not ask of ourselves, How do I feel?  But neither do we ask, How do I want to feel? It is easy to forget that when all is said and done, I and I alone am responsible for how I feel.  Period. Whether or not I feel good or bad, happy or sad, anxious or excited,

Pathwalking 248

Everything is energy. At its core, in its simplest, most elegant form every single thing you can see, touch, taste, and smell is energy.  Every one of us, no matter our skin color, ethnicity, gender or other chosen identifier is energy. The earth, the sun, the other planets in the solar system and everything, absolutely everything, is comprised of energy.  Both science and spirituality agree on this point, though they might use different phraseology to explain it. Since every single

Pathwalking 247

Life is only as complicated as we choose to make it. Last week I began to explore the many ways we move far away from the relatively simple things we actually want for our lives.  For most people, these include finding love, peace, joy and feeling good.  Previously I postulated that as children we instinctively understand this, but as we grow and develop we start to add layers and steps and these things get complicated. What are some ways in

Pathwalking 246

Life is only as complicated as we choose to make it. The human race has this incredible obsession with complicating our lives.   We create these impossible goals and lofty ambitions, and reject the relatively simple things we all want. Everybody wants to love and be loved.  Everybody wants to find joy and peace.  Everybody wants to feel good.  Yes, I recognize these are pretty massive generalizations, but that doesn’t make them any less true.  I know some people appear to

Pathwalking 245

Having faith is important.  It is also equally important to have knowledge. Some people seem to believe that these concepts are mutually exclusive.  To have faith means knowledge is unimportant, and vice versa.  But we need faith to traverse the unknown, and we need knowledge to understand the experiences we have during this life. On the one hand, society has an obsession with grouping often diverse concepts together.  For example, spirituality, morality and religion.  Three separate tenets that are frequently

Positivity: Knowledge

We have the potential to absorb knowledge like a sponge. Human beings have a unique adaptability that no other creature in the animal kingdom shares. We can make our homes in any climate, any geography, anywhere we would choose. Knowledge is power. That statement has been used to frighten people for a long time now. The truth is, knowledge is not simply power – knowledge is life. There is always something new to explore, something new to be learned. The

Pathwalking 113

A tiger cannot change its stripes, they say. Some people firmly believe that people in general are incapable of changing.  I am here to tell you that this is bullshit. ANYBODY can change.  Period.  The main issue is – do you want to change? You may question why I am emphasizing want.  That is because even if you need change, you have to WANT it to make it happen.  It is only with a deep, emotional desire to change that

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