The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: Knowing the Path vs Walking the Path

Frequently I have claimed to suffer from ADOS.  ADOS = Attention Deficit…Oooooooooh, Shiny! (I do not claim this phrase as my own, someone else I know put it out there, not me – but I use it rather a lot). This is not so much a medical disorder, as it is an inability to focus or keep one’s eyes on the prize or to get pulled in a million directions or… Be right back.  Something else has my attention at

Pathwalking 150

When you are traveling upon your path, you should do so with confidence. Confidence is not just applicable to emotion, but also to thought and action. You can think, feel and act confident, and it is important to recognize the subtle differences between these three forces. This is a complex concept, in especial as it’s not simply emotional, intellectual, or physical, but covers all three of these fundamentals. For people who have issues with self esteem, this a particularly difficult