The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Are You Kind?

Be kind to yourself.  Give kindness to others. I am sitting here this morning, trying to come up with words for this post, and I have been doing my usual routine.  I go to Facebook, I play a couple games, and I read through a bunch of posts. There are a lot of discouraging things going on out there.  So much anger, so much fear, such unbelievable negativity.  Is this really the world we want to live in? I don’t

Do You Love Yourself?

Do you love yourself? This is not a trick question.  How do you feel about yourself? Modern society tends to look askance at self-love.  Why?  Because our society frequently deals in extremes, and on this scale the extremes are selfishness and selflessness. A great deal of our fear-based society focuses on greedy, intolerant, ignorant, selfish people.  Government, religious and business leaders frequently show us exactly that.  Selfishness in the extreme, to the detriment of everyone else. Because that’s such a

Positivity: Kindness

A little kindness could change the whole world. With all the animosity, racism, sexism and outright hatred being shouted so loudly of late, we each need to do our part to show more kindness.  This could change everything. I think it’s safe to say that we all want to live decent, comfortable, happy lives.  I don’t know anyone who wants to struggle, or to be in a constant state of fear, or to be miserable.   I think that some people