The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Build Peace

Positivity is a key to peace. Chaos, disorder, negativity are the weapons terrorists employ. They work to make us fear those who are different from us, to change who we are and what we do, they use terror and fear to sew doubt, discord and disharmony in the world. Peace is possible. When we think, feel and take inspired action to create positivity we keep the fear and terror at bay, and as such we build for ourselves a better

Positivity: Be Wacky

Sometimes you just need to be wacky. You need to be unusual. Different. What others might call strange. We all have moments when we do things that are not the norm, and get called out on them. We do things that are unusual, that don’t track the same as what everyone else is doing. We do silly, crazy, bizarre and absurd things from time to time. Rather than deny, disseminate or divert attention from these, we should embrace them. It

Positivity: Adulting

Adulting does not need to be arduous. There are some major advantages to being an adult. You can come and go as you please, you get to choose your own bed time, you can hang out with any friends at any time in any place and there is nobody but you to tell you no. Yes, I know that with adulthood comes certain responsibilities. We have to work jobs to buy food and clothing and housing and to pay for

Positivity: Intentions

How do you want your day to be? What are your intentions? The power of intent is something we take for granted. We fail to see that we have the ability to manifest not just once in a while, not just on a special occasion or due to a dire need, but all day, every day. One of the key elements of manifestation is intention. Intent is not the starting point so much as it is the direction. What begins

Positivity: Intentions

How do you want your day to be? What are your intentions? The power of intent is something we take for granted. We fail to see that we have the ability to manifest not just once in a while, not just on a special occasion or due to a dire need, but all day, every day. One of the key elements of manifestation is intention. Intent is not the starting point so much as it is the direction. What begins

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