The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

That Didn’t Go How I Expected It To

That situation didn’t go how I expected it to, and that’s not a bad thing in this case. You can make all sorts of plans for your life. There are innumerable paths you can choose. Yet no matter the path nor the plan, sometimes it doesn’t go how you expected it to. Sometimes this is not so good. Often, it’s not a bad thing at all. Perfect example. Recently, I applied for a job as a receptionist. No, not the

Do No Harm

Do no harm. When you are walking whatever path you choose it should have no intentionally negative impact on anyone else. Whatever paths you walk in life, you need to be mindful to do no harm. Truthfully, this should be easy. Unfortunately, a lot of the examples of “success” that you see come with a deep, false narrative. This includes notions of shoving people out of the way (literally and figuratively); getting past, around, over, and through other people; “taking”

Finding What is Needed on the Path

I am exploring finding what is needed on my path. Just because I know the path does not mean I am completely enlightened. I know where I desire to take my life. When it comes to who I am and who I desire to be, I am completely aware of both locations and the complexities of building the bridge between them. So here I am, more than 7 months into writing full-time, and I am still trying to figure out

How Do You Know What Your Best “You” Is?

How do you know what your best you is? This is one of those paradoxes that are super-simple yet infinitely complex. I am a firm believer in the notion of conscious reality creation. I am convinced that I am empowered to take my personal illusion of reality and shape it to best fit me. There are a lot of challenges and obstacles along any given path, but rather than let life live me I want to live life. So I

Positivity in Getting Back to Work Post-Vacation

Getting back to work after a vacation presents some unique challenges. After taking more than a week offline, I am finding returning to my regularly scheduled program a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. Why? I had a perfectly excellent time. I got to hang out with friends, disconnected and got in a ton of exercise, time outdoors, and sunlight. Though I certainly love my work, it’s not that I don’t have ideas for things to write about. But

Working With the “Well-Meaning”

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What do you do when the “well-meaning” friend or loved one offers “helpful” advice and commentary? If you are working on creating a unique, non-standard life experience for yourself, it has all sorts of pitfalls, trials, challenges, and obstacles along the way. When this is your why, and you are striving to consciously create reality by choosing your own path in life, it can and will impact

What is Intention?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   What is Intention? Intention is focus. It is the focus on the action that creates reality. Mindfulness is about knowing your own thoughts and feelings. With knowledge of your thoughts and feelings, you can take actions to consciously create reality. But the actions need focus, direction, or specifically intention. So what is intent? defines it thus: Intent (noun) something that is intended; purpose; design; intention the act or fact of intending, as to do something meaning or significance. When it

How Are Willing and Willful Similar and Different?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Recognizing the difference between willing and willful is important. Each of these ideas has its own time and place.  But when they are misused, they can be detrimental to anything you might be attempting to create. What are willing and willful, and how do they differ? gives us this: Willing (adjective) disposed or consenting; inclined cheerfully consenting or ready done, given, borne, used, etc., with cheerful readiness Willful (adjective) deliberate, voluntary, or intentional unreasonably stubborn or headstrong; self-willed Willingness is the presentation of inclination and consent;

What if I Suck at This?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You have permission to suck. A lot of people feel that they need to always succeed, always win, always get it right.  However, that is, in truth, impossible.  Things will not work out as planned, outside influences will change how a process works, or some other unexpected thing will interfere.  Hopefully it all goes as you want…but there are times where, no matter what you are doing,

Where Is My Intent?

I have been working with the question of the intent for my life a long time, now. For decades, my answer was usually, “I don’t know what I want.”  I became particularly skilled at saying “I don’t know”.  Over time, my indecision extended out to include restaurants, jobs, relationships, hairstyles…you name it.  When it came to decision-making, I left that to anyone else that I could. Less than ten years ago, however, I began to really think about what I