The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Think You’re the Only One Feeling Uncertain?

Spoiler alert – you’re not the only one. Though we tend not to talk about it in this way – COVID-19 changed the world. First, we learned that many people, in the face of a public health crisis, will take extraordinary steps to protect themselves, those they care about, and even total strangers. We also learned that many people will take advantage of a public health crisis for personal gain, are horridly selfish, self-centered, and that they couldn’t care less

The Positivity of Being Your Truest Self Isn’t Easy

But it’s totally worth it – because you are worth it. Are you your genuine self? Maybe, like me, you’ve worn different masks in various situations. This was the “self” you presented to specific audiences, for diverse reasons. One mask at work, one at school, one for friends, one for family, one in private, one in public. Group ‘X’ of people you spend time with get one mask, while group ‘Y’ gets another. There’s nothing evil, dishonest, or deceitful in

When the People Who Share My Heart Don’t Get Me?

How do I handle this along life’s paths? My family largely doesn’t get me. They love me, I know that. But they don’t get me. What does that mean? I do things, take approaches to matters, and live in ways that cause them to scratch their heads, wonder how I can possibly be content or happy this way, and probably question my sanity. My dating habits and relationship choices in my 20s and 30s made no sense to them. That

Be Yourself – Because You Can’t be Anyone Else – And That’s Good

Just remember – being yourself is not a license to be a dick. Who are you? This is a massively loaded question. Who you are can vary depending on the time of day, the company you’re keeping, your mood, and numerous other factors. The short answer is that you are you. No matter what happens, the only one in your head, heart, and soul is you. Yet being yourself can be challenging because of the need to be accepted. You

You Don’t Need to Reclaim Your Past to Heal Your Past

You can only learn from the past but can’t return to it. Do you have trauma from your past? Have you experienced pain, suffering, sadness, and the like? If you’re human, then you probably have had some or all of the above experiences. Some of them you probably don’t ever desire to recall or return to again. But some you might desire to redo or undo, and others you might desire to return to – with what you know now

Have I Really Got This or Am I Just Fooling Myself?

The answer is yes – and wholly dependent on me and my actions. As I’m writing this, I’m preparing to take my annual trip to the gargantuan medieval event in SW Pennsylvania. However, leading up to this point has been quite probably one of the craziest years I’ve experienced in a long time. Let me sum up 2023: At the start of the year, I was recovering from COVID; we learned my mother-in-law had a terminal brain tumor; and my

I’m Sorry – Yes, I F#*ked Up! Guess Who Is Beating Me Up the Most?

Spoiler alert – it’s me. A few months back, in an attempt to offer a friend some encouraging perspective – I did exactly the opposite. I totally fucked up, caused my friend anxiety, self-doubt, and a host of other unpleasantness utterly the opposite of the intent of my words. Immediately after, I was informed that I messed this up by a mutual friend. I apologized and explained my reasoning. Now, months later, I learn it was so bad that it

It Goes Well Until It Feels Like It Stops Going Well

Everyone experiences this and has choices for what to do with it. Things have, despite a lot of craziness outside of my control, been going well of late. I’ve been in therapy again and getting a lot out of it, feeling good about who I am and where I’m going, and it’s all been feeling like it’s steadily improving. Today, I hit a wall. To be fair, there were some extenuating circumstances. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale for

I Didn’t Know I Could Do Something for 600 Weeks and Counting

But here we are. Welcome to Pathwalking 600. Just before New Year’s Eve at the end of 2011, I decided that rather than make a flabby, easily ignored, or disregarded resolution – instead, I’d take a New Year’s Action. That action would be to blog at least once a week, every week. Pathwalking was born. My life philosophy would be placed on Wednesdays, and I would write a new article and post it every week. That was now just over

Please Stop Being Complacent With Your Life

Complacency leads to losing awareness and control. Despite numerous messages to the contrary, you control your life. What does complacent mean? In this context, it’s losing touch with/awareness of yourself, due to a sense of comfort and satisfaction that everything is as it should be. And maybe it is. For a while. But inevitably, it won’t be. Comfort zones cease being comfortable and familiar. That sense of satisfaction stops feeling satisfying because of tangibles, intangibles, or both. Why? Because of

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