The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Celebrate our Similarities

We should celebrate our sameness more. The things that make us all similar, our basic humanity and our universal desires for love and happiness, are not something to be ignored.  These things that we all share are amazing, and we should celebrate them. We need to deemphasize our differences and the things that divide us, and make a bigger deal about our commonalities.  There is tremendous positivity in unity and in our sameness. We put too great importance on physical

Positivity: Independence

Everyone desires independence. Certainly there are times when having someone else to make decisions for you might be appealing, but overall I cannot think of anyone who doesn’t want independence. Today is Independence Day in the United States.  While this is a national holiday celebrating our declaration of independence from Great Britain two-hundred and forty years ago, the concept of independence is far broader.  All of us, as individuals, are independent of thought, of action, and of feeling.  No one


Independence Day.  While there will be celebrations and barbecues and fireworks across the nation, I have to ask a question I know I am not alone in pondering.  Have we lost sight of today’s meaning? On July 4, 1776, 237 years ago, the Continental Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence, separating the United States from the British Empire.  It was a bold, spirited, brave move to win freedom from an oppressive government, and arguably changed the course not only of

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