The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Things we should care about – versus – things we should not

I am going to overly-simplify this, because I think we have lost sight of the things we should care about, versus the things that are really not all that important in the grand scheme of life, the universe and everything. Here is a list, in no particular order, of things we should care about: Our health The health of our friends and family Our welfare The welfare of our friends and family. Our happiness. The happiness of our friends and

Pathwalking 76

Pathwalking is about more than just the mind and spirit.  The body cannot be ignored. Throughout this process I have explored ways of thinking, ways of feeling, ways of acting and being.  But it is not just a mental, emotional and psychological discipline…Pathwalking also has a physical aspect that can easily be neglected. For some exercising the body is easy.  For others, the spirit moves readily.  And for still others, it’s the mind that gets the greatest workout.  And while

Pathwalking 44

The everyday things we readily take for granted can deeply impact Pathwalking.  Beyond diversions, beyond distractions, the unexpected and unplanned can cause Pathwalking to seem unimportant.  And yet…it still is. This is the first week, for example, that I am not posting this on Wednesday.  After forty-three weeks of timely posts, this one has been delayed.  I am displeased about this fact – but there was no alterative.  The unexpected interfered. I live on the East Coast of the United

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