The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Determination

I am determined to find Positivity. Negativity is everywhere.  Like, wow, this is so overwhelming how inundated by negative messages we are right now.  Anger, hatred, fear, both directed and passive are every way we turn. It feels almost inescapable.  The national and international news is so completely full to overflowing in negativity, coupled with unpleasant feelings towards the new work week and weather and…it can feel like it is all too much. I am determined to find Positivity. I

Positivity: Learning

There is always something to be learned. No matter how much information you take in, no matter how many books you read, how many formal or informal classes you take, how many masters you study, there is always something more to learn. It is an incredible source of positivity to know that you can always gain something new, acquire previously unknown information, and explore way beyond your current base of knowledge. Whether you learn something new about a topic you

Positivity: Forgive Yourself

The hardest person to forgive is yourself.  There is tremendous positivity in forgiveness. Whether you are not meeting what you think other people expect of you, or more likely you are not living up to your own expectations, you probably have experienced a need to forgive yourself, and that can be challenging. It is important that we recognize we are only human, and forgive ourselves when we are less-than-perfect. Thing is, everyone is perfectly themselves, and as such perfectly imperfect. 

Positivity: Perception

You get to choose how you perceive the world. Do you perceive this world as a place of terror, of agony, of hopelessness and sadness?  Or do you see this world as a place of possibility, of joy, of hope and happiness? Yes, I cannot deny that bad things happen in the world.  There are people who are sick, war refugees, homeless, and other undesirable realities.  However, our overall perception of the world is individual, and we get to choose

Positivity: Rest

Everybody needs a chance to rest. Whether it is merely a few minutes, a night, or an extended vacation, rest is essential to our wellbeing.  We might have things that need to be done frequently, but we still need to rest and relax from time to time. Despite negative connotations in the idea of rest, such as slacking off or laziness or other similar perceptions, there is enormous positivity in resting. Resting allows us to change our focus.  Resting allows

Positivity: The Zone

Seek things that can put you in the zone. What is the zone?  The zone is that place where you are in perfect harmony with the universe.  You aren’t thinking, you are just being.  Whatever you might be doing while in the zone is often effortless, seems impossibly easy, and is immensely positive. A lot of different references to the idea of the zone have been made throughout history.  Miyamoto Musashi in his Book of Five Rings referred to the

Positivity: Meditation

Meditation can do a lot of good. We live in a world of almost endless noise.  Everywhere we turn we are inundated with information, with calls for help, action, and choices to be made.  People often can’t just be content with the sounds of nature and carry music or employ some other distraction.  Noise everywhere. Mediation is often misunderstood.  The word alone, for many, conjures images of people sitting cross-legged, palms up, chanting “Om” repeatedly.  This is a valid form

Positivity: An Amazing time to be Alive

We live in an amazing time. We have the technology to communicate across the globe instantly.  We have miniature computers we carry around on our persons that began life as portable cellular telephones.  We have cars that can stop themselves, and are equipped with cameras and indicators for blindspots.  We have produce year-round from every climate in our grocery stores. Right now we are being bombarded by fear of all the change that this technology represents.  There are people who

Positivity: An Amazing time to be Alive

We live in an amazing time. We have the technology to communicate across the globe instantly.  We have miniature computers we carry around on our persons that began life as portable cellular telephones.  We have cars that can stop themselves, and are equipped with cameras and indicators for blindspots.  We have produce year-round from every climate in our grocery stores. Right now we are being bombarded by fear of all the change that this technology represents.  There are people who

Positivity: Fun

Everybody wants to have fun. What I consider fun you might not, and what you consider fun I might not. But so long as my fun does not interfere with your fun, and vice versa, what’s wrong with anything we are doing in the name of fun? Yes, of course there are exceptions to this.  If you find fun in doing things that hurt other people, or humiliate them, or otherwise hinders their life, that’s not cool.  Fun at the