The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Is Pathwalking Mindful?

When we are mindful of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can walk any path. The key to doing this is to work on spending more time in the here-and-now.  When we are mindful of where we are, at this very moment, we empower ourselves to best walk the paths for the lives we desire. Mindfulness is awareness.  When we are aware, we have control.  Pathwalking is about taking control of the life we lead, so being mindful is imperative

Will Your Path Make You Happy?

What is important to me is that I live a good life, and am happy more often than not. We all have different priorities.  Nobody’s emotions are exactly the same.  While we may give our emotions the same names, odds are how they feel to each of us differs. Taking that another step, what makes me happy is going to be different from what makes you happy.  Not just because of how it may feel differently to each of us,

How Joy Empowers Us

Living in joy is the ultimate goal. I don’t want to spend my time at a desk, working for someone I might not entirely respect, doing something that bores me.  Life is just too short for that.  Rather, I want to do something that makes me happy. Have you ever been told that “You have to work for a living” or “you gotta do what you gotta do” or “you have to make ends meet” or similar?  Likely, I suspect

Do You Love Yourself?

Do you love yourself? This is not a trick question.  How do you feel about yourself? Modern society tends to look askance at self-love.  Why?  Because our society frequently deals in extremes, and on this scale the extremes are selfishness and selflessness. A great deal of our fear-based society focuses on greedy, intolerant, ignorant, selfish people.  Government, religious and business leaders frequently show us exactly that.  Selfishness in the extreme, to the detriment of everyone else. Because that’s such a

How Awesome Are You?

You are awesome.  Yes, I am talking to YOU. We are not told frequently enough how incredible we are.  You are awesome.  For real, you are an amazing, incredible person, and you have a lot to offer to this world. Self-doubt has the unfortunate power of stopping us from becoming what we want to be.  Some of the doubt is due to outside influences, but the majority is on each and every one of us.  We are our own worst

Five Questions for Restoring Positivity

Restoring Positivity can be challenging. Here in the United States, we have recently been inundated by messages of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and worse.  Active hate groups are feeling empowered by certain elements of our government, and have been spewing their venom unabashedly. Hard to feel positive in the face of this.  And yet, Positivity is the key to overcoming the hate. Here are five questions which will help us to restore our Positivity when we are feeling powerless, sad, angry,

What Happens When the “Other Shoe” Drops?

When the other shoe drops, do you pick it up? I have been anticipating this situation for several months now.  I had hoped to depart on my own terms, but I suspected this was coming.  So it was not much of a surprise. The job I have held for the past year, and been duly grateful for, has come to an end.  Now my eight hours a day in a place where I was all-too-often bored, and frequently unhappy, is

Can Positivity Make You Happy?

Ultimately, everybody wants to be happy. I believe that’s what we all most want.  Happiness.  When we are happy, we are more capable of living a complete, satisfying life. Positivity is a direct path to happiness.  Happiness is one of the ultimate in positive feelings, which is why it’s so important that we find and cultivate it as much as we can. There is more than enough anger, intolerance, unhappiness and outright hatred in the world.  Adding to that only

Where do you find your Path?

Where do you find your path? This can be a daunting question.  Finding the path you want to walk is a matter of necessity. No two paths are the same.  Similar in some respects, but not the same.  For example, it is my personal goal to become a bestselling author.  While there are lots of bestselling authors out there, each of us will traverse different paths to that goal. Knowing my path, where did I find it?  The simple answer

Seven Sources to Inspire Positivity

Sources to inspire Positivity can be found anywhere. Some sources of inspiration are easier to come by than others.  Yet knowing we have an endless pool of resources, we can be inspired and find Positivity in all sorts of unexpected places. It’s important to keep in mind that inspiration doesn’t need to be a grandiose, earth-shattering something.  We can be inspired by surprisingly mundane and uncomplicated things.  Inspiration can be that simple spark that gets you to eat healthy, to