The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Mood Changers

Lots of different things can change your mood. As such, there are countless options to build more and greater positivity. I find that if I wake up stiff or sore, if the clouds in the sky feel oppressive, or if posts across social media are getting me down, I have a lot of different options to change my mood and to alter my feelings. What works for me might not work the same for you, but I think there are

Positivity: Endless Possibilities

The possibilities are endless. This phrase gets used and abused, but that does not make it any less true. Despite all the messages to the contrary, we live in an abundant universe. That means that the information we are often presented with of lack and limitation are incorrect. There are endless possibilities. What this translates to for everyone is that we can create all the good things we want. Yes, there are going to be bad days and yes bad

Positivity: Escape the Insanity

We can step away from the insanity. Sometimes that’s what we should do. Step away. Turn it off. Tune it out. Despite the amazing interconnectivity of our world today, we still have the ability to get away from it. We can ignore social media, we can avoid the news, and we can find things that make us feel good instead. Let’s just admit that there is a whole lot of crazy out there. We are inundated with things that upset,

Positivity: Labor Day

Today in the United States is Labor Day. The most positive thing about this day is the victory achieved that made it so that there are no more sweat shops in this nation, so that we have protections about getting breaks during the work day, and other privileges we often take for granted. Many people’s sacrifices and struggles and hard work made this day possible, and that is a positive thing. Fighting for something good that you believe in is

Positivity: The Good

Sometimes it’s really easy to lose sight of the many good things we have in our lives. If you are reading this, chances are you live in a place where you have freedom, where you are encouraged to think for yourself, where you have opportunities to grow and change and to do and be the things you desire. When I watch the news of the world I sometimes get caught up in just how awful some people’s lives are. The

Pathwalking 132

I have often written about how important emotion is to Pathwalking. You cannot simply choose to think through what you want to manifest in your life, you have to feel it. If you cannot put the feeling behind the thought, and then add corresponding action, you will more-or-less turn about in a circle. It is an absolute necessity that you not only think and take action to choose your path, but you also feel your way along it. If you

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