The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Kindness

A little kindness could change the whole world. With all the animosity, racism, sexism and outright hatred being shouted so loudly of late, we each need to do our part to show more kindness.  This could change everything. I think it’s safe to say that we all want to live decent, comfortable, happy lives.  I don’t know anyone who wants to struggle, or to be in a constant state of fear, or to be miserable.   I think that some people

Pathwalking 222

It is important to leave the past in the past. As much as I am never one to hold a grudge, I do still hold onto many things from my past.  And unfortunately, not in a good way. We always can learn from the past.  The key, however, is to not take it with you into the present and on to the future. Let me explain in more detail. When I went to college I began with zero direction.  I

Positivity: Tears

Tears, you may not realize, are a surprising tool for positivity. Whether tears are being shed in happiness or in joy, or in sorrow and sadness, they are still a tool for Positivity.  Because tears cleanse. When you are so filled with joy that you could burst and you begin to cry, it is an experience of ultimate release.  So powerful that you are overwhelmed, and so moved. When you are sorrowful or sad and you begin to cry, it

Pathwalking 221

Lately I have been experiencing a lot of anxiety. This is not a regular sensation for me, I don’t get anxious easily.  But I am well aware that anxiety, as a disguise for fear, gets in the way of Pathwalking. So what am I feeling anxious about? The first step in dealing with anxiety is identifying it.  I know that there are several things giving me anxiety, some of which I can deal with directly, some less so. Current anxiety

Positivity: Repetition is not Insanity

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This is so very simple.  If you try the exact same thing time and again with no variations, you will get the same results.  That’s a big part of what scientific testing is all about. Every single week I post Positivity.  Is it insanity?  No.  Why?  Because I am not doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I am

Pathwalking 220

Trying to align my beliefs, emotions, thoughts and actions is an interesting challenge. In order to manifest anything, I know that I have to combine thought with feeling and then take intentional actions. That’s a major oversimplification of the process, however.  It is much more involved, and the pitfalls can be overwhelming. What am I going on about?  Let me explain. I have successfully manifested things in my life.  I have managed to make things happen through a combination of

Positivity: Holidays and Celebrations

Everyday can be a holiday. That means that every day we can find something to celebrate. There are so many holidays out there that have very specific meanings.  Beyond that, there are feast days for Saints every single day.  So why do we only choose to celebrate on these specific days? Halloween, Presidents’ Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Arbor Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Barthdays…these are just some of the familiar holidays.  Then there are more obscure ones like Talk like

Pathwalking 219

Anger is a fascinating subject. I have a lot of anger in me.  Some is, at least as far as I am concerned, completely rational and likely justified.  Some, however, is old, long ignored, semi-forgotten…but still there. While fear is probably the biggest obstacle I face as I walk my path, anger is a close second. I have not written much about anger before because I work very hard to keep my anger in check. Unfortunately, that does not release

Positivity: Be Happy

I want to be happy. Don’t you? Doesn’t that sound like a fantastic idea? What do we have to do to feel happy? That’s the challenge we all face. In especial when we’re inundated with conflict and messages of exclusion and hate and fear. Hard to find happy when there are so many messages that are the opposite. It is time to take back our power and do what it takes to be happy. It might be something grand, like

Pathwalking 218

This has been a particularly challenging week for me. As I strive to walk my chosen path I am finding the obstacles along the way to be frustrating me more than usual. I could blame the cold, though overall the winter has been mild. I could blame the grey cloudy days, though I’ve now experienced several days of sun. More importantly, though, placing blame is not going to give me any resolution to my predicament. It is in my best

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