The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is Optimism Inappropriate Now?

Optimism is never misplaced or inappropriate. But it needs to be in the context of reality. Optimism in the world today seems like a Pollyanna, rose-colored glasses, unrealistic attitude. In the United States, we are still in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic; an utterly disheartening and frustrating election; a government that cares way more about the money than the people; out-of-control, militarized police forces murdering indiscriminately – and getting away with it; a President obsessed with dictators and hoping

Are You Learning Who You Are Today?

There is ALWAYS something new to be discovered – even about yourself. How are you learning who you are today? No two days are alike. Similar, certainty – but never alike. Every single day of your life has potential and possibility. Anything can happen – anything at all. Though planet Earth itself is relatively small – the Universe is nearly infinite. Hence why it goes to follow that there is always something new to be learned. On the grand scale

Anyone Can Show You a Path – But Only You Can Walk It

Anyone Can Show You a Path, But Only You Can Walk It It doesn’t matter what the choices are, the decision is yours and yours alone. I made a decision that I would choose my own path in this life. Though my choice has been imperfect, and I have stumbled and struggled along the way, I am still glad I made that decision. Why? Because I believe that I have taken control of my life. I am not just going

The World is Not on Fire

The World is Not on Fire Despite appearances, the world is not, in fact, burning down. There is no denying that we are living in trying times. The amount of hatred, anger, indignity, and negativity you and I encounter on a daily basis is utterly staggering. If you give this too much attention, it becomes far too easy to see the world as being on fire. Whether the dumpster fire is Trump, Brexit, corporate greed, climate change, or what-have-you, it

Life is Never a Singular Path

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you. Over the course of your life, you are going to have different goals at different times. Some are small goals, others are larger and have a wider impact. All of them are significant to you. There will be occasions when you are on more than one path at the same time. For example: developing a relationship

Where do Power and Control Come From?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The only real power and control we have is internal. All of the external expressions of power and control are never ours.  They belong only to those who are wielding them, and will only continue to exist as long as people accept their own lack of them. Yes, when we go to the voting booth, we are choosing people to “represent” us.  Some take that responsibility to

How Am I a Puzzle Piece?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   We are all a puzzle piece in this world.  We all fit together…but not always one with the other. Every single one of us is connected.  We all come from the same source, the same oversoul, or if you prefer, God/Goddess, Powers-that-be, etc.  As such, we are all one, or at least all part of the greater whole. Each of us is a puzzle piece that makes

What is Impatience?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   I know I am not alone when it comes to working through impatience. Patience has never been my strong suit.  I do not like to wait, in particular when it comes to anything I deeply desire. Time may be an illusion, but that doesn’t mean that you can go completely without patience. Impatience comes particularly easily to our society, too.  Our quick-fix, instant-gratification society simply has no

Can You Know Too Much?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   It is good to gain knowledge.  But is there a line between knowing, and when you know too much? Previously I wrote about the topic of knowing.  As I opined there, the key to knowing is to recognize that for the most part, we know far less than we think. So if that is the case, is it even possible to know too much?  And if so,

Awareness for Everyone Podcast

Just sharing that the 4th episode of my podcast is available now!  In case you missed it elsewhere, every-other week I am podcasting about Awareness for Everyone.  Like this blog, it’s a look at all the things that go into conscious reality creation, albeit a bit more free-form. This week, I am doing an in-depth exploration of Fear.  This is something of an expansion on Wednesday’s Pathwalk, fear being a topic I have written about on numerous occasions.