The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 191

Do you have a tendency to second-guess yourself? I do. It has often been, as far as I can tell, one of the main causes of my indecisive moments. I make a decision, sure…but then I second guess it. Pathwalking is about choosing a path and making your own way. I have the idea, I have the notion I know what I want to do with the given path. But…but what if I have it all wrong? It was recently

Pathwalking 190

More than once I have reiterated that no one but you can choose your own path. For some people this is really easy. They just KNOW without any doubts who they are and what they want to be. They answer whatever calling they receive – whether it’s to be a doctor, a member of clergy, a pro athlete, an artist, a teacher and so on. For some, they go where they are pointed. Someone at some point told them that

Pathwalking 189

One of the largest obstacles any Pathwalker will come across is depression. Today we are going to explore a new avenue, because I am not sure it gets the attention it deserves. Depression afflicts FAR more people than anyone realizes. The first and most important thing to recognize here is that none of us who suffer depression are alone. All of us experience different reactions and have different triggers, but depression is a lot more common than I think most

Pathwalking 188

As you are reading this, I am on vacation. One of the things I am doing on this vacation is to relax, reset, release negativity and work on finding and walking the Path I most desire. Yes, I have a reasonably good idea of what paths I wish to be on with my life. I know what my intentions are, and I know what I want to create for my life. I have, over the past few months in particular,

Pathwalking 187

Keeping to the plan is easier said than done. I am working rather diligently on consciously creating my reality at this time, and I have found that planning the plan is one thing, but executing it is quite another. Last week I wrote about getting tripped up by my need to figure out the how. Manifestation is about idea, emotion and inspired action, but once you start taking action that is not inspired it is surprisingly easy to get off

Pathwalking 186

I find that I get way too caught up in the how of things, and this is where I trip myself up. When it comes to conscious reality creation and manifesting the things you want in life, getting focused on the how of the process can stop progress. I am starting to think that this is part of how I sabotage my own efforts. I believe that consciousness creates reality. I have made use of this to manifest things in

Vortex Pilgrimage: Available TODAY

Have you ever wanted to step outside of yourself, in order to better get inside your own head? Have you ever wanted to explore your core being, and uncover who you are, and what makes you tick? Have you ever wanted to take an adventure that would bring you understanding, peace and joy? This is the premise of Vortex Pilgrimage. Set in an alternate reality, the protagonist takes a journey of self discovery and works with masters of the mind,

Pathwalking 185

Dreams are not just an involuntary act of the unconscious mind during sleep. Dreams are bigger than that. Dreams are far more powerful. Dreams are the reason to be awake and aware and to choose to walk your own path. I have frequently commented about my lack of dreaming during sleep. Yes, I am aware that scientifically EVERYBODY dreams during sleep. I almost never recall my dreams, whereas many of my friends can vividly recall what they dreamt of in

Vortex Pilgrimage Thoughts

I think everyone at one time or another goes through the process of finding themselves. On more than one occasion I have taken that journey. In fact, as evidenced by my weekly blog posts, I am still in the process of such a journey now – and since we change frequently, I will likely always be on this particular trek. There are numerous works of non-fiction in what gets lumped as “self-help”. Some are extremely practical and organizational, while some

Coming Soon – Vortex Pilgrimage

I know that people are waiting for me to complete the editing of Finder – The Source Chronicles Book II. I am still on target to release the sequel to my first fantasy novel in November, so never fear. I am, however, a writer who dabbles in multiple genres. For the most part I stick to the root of sci-fi and fantasy, though I consider The Source Chronicles to be a viable YA (Young Adult) series, and while Steampunk is