The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 184

How do you apply Pathwalking to your life every day? How do you consciously create your own reality and make your choices for the destiny you desire to create? There is, unsurprisingly, no one method for this process. Different things will work for different people. There are some generalities, though, that can be tweaked to work for just about anyone. Be aware of what follows the words I AM. You would be amazed just how easy it is to sabotage

Pathwalking 183

Do you play the blame game? The trouble with blame is that it assigns responsibility to an outside party for some bad thing, wrong doing or other matter. Often we blame because it is a far easier thing than accountability. Blame assigns fault away, and does nothing to correct matters. This is where blame is utterly pointless – it offers no solutions. Things happen to us and around us that are not our fault. We sometimes find ourselves in a

Pathwalking 182

Faith is not necessarily a dirty word. This is something I have to remind myself of for a number of reasons. Faith has nothing to do with religion. Just like morality, spirituality and religion are all separate tenets, faith can be interlinked with or independent of any of these three ideals. When I know that something is possible, or that something is coming to pass, even when I cannot see or comprehend the how of it, that is where my

Pathwalking 146

No is not necessarily a negative. Sometimes along your path, you will have reasons to say no. While we often associate no with negatives, that is not always the case. There will be times when you need to say no because saying yes will actually lead you down the wrong path. We live in a world full of extremes. Left and right, liberal and conservative, short and tall, attractive and ugly…take your pick. But in truth, most of us live

Pathwalking 145

Pathwalking is not just an intellectual concept, it is also a spiritual and an emotional endeavor. I have stated rather frequently that to walk any given path you have to not only think about it, but you have to feel it, and you have to desire it. What’s the difference between the intellectual, spiritual and emotional? The intellectual is the easiest to examine. This is your thought process, this is your continued education. Intellect is a matter of learning, it

Positivity: Manifestation

It is possible to manifest anything you need in life. Many people believe, because society believes, that manifesting the life you most desire is fantasy. Hookey-spookey BS. Delusional. The pipe dream of the hippy-crunchy-granola new agey types. It is, however, possible. Manifestation is not a simple process. It requires energy, it requires action. To manifest anything you want, you need to believe that it is possible. You cannot doubt that it will be, you have to make it real. You

Pathwalking 65

“The Warrior of the Light does not always have faith.  There are moments when he believes in absolutely nothing. And he asks his heart: ‘Is all this effort really worth it?’  But his heart remains silent, and the Warrior has to decide for himself.”  – Paulo Coelho, Warrior of the Light. I have been Pathwalking on and off for years, really.  I began to formulate what this notion was in earnest last year, and am constantly developing my approach to

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