The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Are the Practical and the Hooky-Spooky Related?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   How do you navigate the waters between the practical and the hooky-spooky? This is the question I have begun to really focus on of late.  For a long time, I delved deeper and deeper into hooky-spooky resources and ideas.  The Law of Attraction, energy healing, connections to earth energy, and seeking and connecting to source energy all get lumped into this. There is a lot of bits

Is Life Black and White?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Life is not just black and white. Our lives are not lived in the extremes of either/or.  Life is lived in the greys and colors between the black and white of the extremes. Society wants us to use these extremes because they appear easy to relate to.  Black and white, fat and thin, short and tall, rich and poor, and so forth.  These absolutes feel as if

Pathwalking 93

Do you care for and love your self as you ought to? In today’s society, we have become so focused on our jobs, our families, our friends, our coworkers, our education, our finances, our possessions, our weekends, and so on and so forth – that we have become utterly negligent of the self. I came across this notion of Pathwalking – and choosing my own life’s path – because I took a look at who I was, and determined I