The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: The Why of my Blog

Why do I blog? Recently, a webinar I viewed took me to an unexpected place, and I began a course to learn new ways to earn money as a blogger.  I mean, this is something I love rather a lot, so why shouldn’t I be earning a living doing this? One of the questions the instructor posed is, Why do you blog?  This is an interesting question, and the answer to it caused me to realize that this whole blog

Crossing the Bridges: Finding Joy

What brings me joy? Sunlight.  Writing.  Reading.  Time with my wife.  Time with my friends.  My cats.  My niece and my nephews.  Driving with the windows down and the radio blasting.  Helping other people. I want more joy in my life.  I want to spend more time happy, excited to greet the day and write my stories and share my blogs and do everything I can to make at least my corner of the world the best place that it

Crossing the Bridges: Empathy and Feeling Joy

Feeling joy has been something of a challenge of late.  I am an empath.  As an empath, I constantly feel the emotional states of other people around me. What does that mean?  It means when many, many of my friends and loved ones are feeling anxious because of, oh, say, awful acts of inhumanity on the part of our government…I get not only my own anger, frustration and dismay over what is happening, but also all of theirs as well.

Pathwalking 271

Empathy is not a weakness. Empathy is not simply about understanding how someone else feels.  It is about understanding that, like you, other people have feelings, too. We all have desires, we all have wants, we all have needs.  Some are similar, such as food, shelter, clothing, companionship.  Yet even with the similarities, they still will vary from person to person.   The foods and quantities of food vary, the desired shelter differs, we like different clothing based on our individual