The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What is My Motivation?

What is my motivation? This is not just a question an actor asks of their director…it is a question about life.  What is it that motivates me to do the things I do? I am a writer and editor.  Writing is a craft I have been working on since I was nine years old, and truly focused on for about twenty years now.  My first editor taught me a tremendous amount about not just editing, but writing to its core,

How do I Truly FEEL Grateful?

It is my desire to express how grateful I am for many, many things.  I am just not feeling it right now. Why am I not feeling grateful?  Because my home country is being taken over by a bunch of ultra-selfish, uncompassionate, self-promoting douchebags-of-holding.  Someone in my life continues to disappoint me all-too-frequently.  I know I am capable of more in this life, and yet I am my own worst enemy. Consciousness creates reality.  I write about this three times

How Do Words Matter?

Words matter. The words we say matter.  But what matters more are the words we think.  In especial, those we think frequently, and those we use in reference to ourselves. Most of us are thinking constantly.  Hell, for a lot of us, the very notion of turning off our brains seems totally impossible.  One of the reasons why meditation is so healthy is because when we meditate it’s one of the few times we can stop the chatter. However, since

What Tone Will You Set For Today?

I get to set the tone for my day. Will it be a good day?  A bad day?  Will it be a productive day?  Is this going to be a day of total time mismanagement?  I alone know and choose what it will be.  It’s entirely up to me. It can be really easy to forget, when all is said and done, that we are in control of our emotions.  Yes, things happen outside of our control that could trigger

What Is Pathwalking?

Pathwalking is not just my personal life philosophy.  It is my way of taking all of the ideas I have been studying for many years now, and putting it into practice. A great deal of the process is dependent on thought and feeling.  I have to take the thought, give it necessary feeling, and then perform an intentional action to get where I want to go. Six years ago, in my seventh ever post in Pathwalking, I explained the what

Why Seek Positivity? Just Because.

The world needs more positivity.  Why?  Just because, that’s why. When we have more positivity in our lives, we feel better.  When you get right down to our fundamental motivations, feeling good is pretty much the main driving force for everyone for everything. Positivity does not need to be complex.  It can be insanely simple.  Everyday things like dogs and cats, sunshine, interestingly shaped clouds, a cup of coffee, the antics of a small child, moonlight, laughter, the feel of

What Does It Mean to Do It?

Do it.  Two simple words that have amazingly tremendous power. There is something to be said for planning.  Some people need plans to do the things they do in this life.  And there is equally something to be said for impulsiveness, too.  Sometimes you just gotta go go go.  But whatever you are looking at, action is required.  That means you have to do it. For many, myself included, doing one thing led to fear that it would or could

What Decisions Are You Making?

Decisions are an important element for moving life forward. As Pathwalking involves choosing direction for one’s life, an absolutely necessary element of any choice is decision making. Making decisions can be terrifying for people.  Why?  Because many of us tend to overthink.  We second guess, fear that if we choose wrong we, or someone we care about, might suffer.  Or we might possibly miss out on something better. Deciding can be intimidating because it feels final.  The finality of the

How Does Decision Empower?

Decision has not always been my strong suit. I have been notorious for being indecisive.  Well, maybe occasionally I fail to make decisions.  Or, maybe I agonize over decisions, and consequently choose not to choose anything, or… So there’s that.  Lately, though, I have been working on doing better with making choices and deciding things for my life. For example, with the move we are making, many things have been discarded.  Do I need this?  If the answer has been

How Do I Interfere With My Path?

There are always things which will interfere with your chosen path. Many of these things are beyond our control.  I can’t do anything about current government stupidity, hurricanes, foreign wars, and the overall negative attitude of other people.  Yes, I can write letters to the leadership, support hurricane relief funds, and take other proactive actions.  However, it’s important to recognize that this is limited, and needs to be proactive rather than reactive. Why proactive?  Because if we are constantly reacting