The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Home

There really is no place like home. It is amazing how good it feels to return to the place where you have your stuff. Not just your stuff, but your base of operations. It is your sanctuary, your refuge, your castle, your domain, you inner sanctum. Home. It does not matter what form it takes, nearly everyone has some place that they can call home. For some, home is not a literal place. It is a time, a person, an

Positivity: Escape

Everyone needs to escape from the everyday now and then. We all need escapes. We all need to get away. This takes different forms for different people, and can be achieved through means both great and small. Escapes can be both short and lengthy, but they can be a very positive thing to make use of. I don’t know anyone who does not need to take a “time out” once in a while. Whether they are stopping to meditate for

Positivity: Why?

Why is positivity so important? Simple answer – because like attracts like. We live in a world of negative messages. We are bombarded by bad news, horror stories, and tales of woe. We can hardly turn without someone commenting about how bad this is or how awful that is. When we focus on negativity, we gather more of it to us. We attract negativity, and we find ourselves inundated with it. Read the news online, watch any news program, and

Positivity: Manifestation

It is possible to manifest anything you need in life. Many people believe, because society believes, that manifesting the life you most desire is fantasy. Hookey-spookey BS. Delusional. The pipe dream of the hippy-crunchy-granola new agey types. It is, however, possible. Manifestation is not a simple process. It requires energy, it requires action. To manifest anything you want, you need to believe that it is possible. You cannot doubt that it will be, you have to make it real. You

Positivity: Creativity

We have an amazing power in creativity. Our unique ability to make our world, to build, to invent, to evolve, to start from a raw idea and conjure an amazing construct is incredible.  While we have observed other creatures on this world capable of building and using tools, none has show the skills we have to imagine and create wonders. We take so many aspects of our world for granted.  From the smallest things like running water and electricity for

Pathwalking 73

We are all creators.  We live in the world we make. This is so very easy to disbelieve.  Circumstances put us in places we never wanted to be, and we don’t always live in the world we would make.  But the statement is still true. “If you will it, it is no dream.”  – Theodore Herzl I Pathwalk because I do not want to be a victim of circumstance, and I want to make my own world.  I want to

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