The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 245

Having faith is important.  It is also equally important to have knowledge. Some people seem to believe that these concepts are mutually exclusive.  To have faith means knowledge is unimportant, and vice versa.  But we need faith to traverse the unknown, and we need knowledge to understand the experiences we have during this life. On the one hand, society has an obsession with grouping often diverse concepts together.  For example, spirituality, morality and religion.  Three separate tenets that are frequently

Pathwalking 244

If you want to change the world, you have to begin with changing yourself. It is that simple, and of course at the same time that complicated. Change is challenging.  I don’t want to call it hard, because really it’s not that hard to make change.  But change IS challenging. Why?  Because change is frequently a journey into the unknown.  We take steps into unexplored territory, to places we have never been, maybe even never really dreamed about.  Change is

Pathwalking 243

We all experience things that cause us to have an immediate, negative emotional response. Last week I wrote about not holding onto that and letting it take hold of you. So, what are some means by which to cope with a negative emotional response? Everyone can employ something different, and there is of course no one true response.  Also, situationally, different matters may call for a different response.  Some options for releasing that immediate negative response could include meditation, crying,

Pathwalking 132

I have often written about how important emotion is to Pathwalking. You cannot simply choose to think through what you want to manifest in your life, you have to feel it. If you cannot put the feeling behind the thought, and then add corresponding action, you will more-or-less turn about in a circle. It is an absolute necessity that you not only think and take action to choose your path, but you also feel your way along it. If you

Pathwalking 117

Sometimes The Universe just kicks you in the teeth. There are times when no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you struggle, no matter all the good you do and all the positivity you generate, you do not win. We have all been disappointed when our expectations were crushed.  I don’t know anybody who has not experienced this.  That time you got sick when you were supposed to take a great trip or that date that did

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