The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Well Done!

Well done! Two powerful words that can change a negative into a positive.  These two words can provide the compliment that tells you what you are doing or have done is appreciated, and that you have worth and value. Everybody wants to feel good about themselves.  As much as our emotions are wholly our own, and we ultimately decide how to feel, no matter the outside influence…we still crave the satisfaction, the validation for whatever thing it is we are

Positivity: No Limits

You are capable of anything. You have the ability to make your own life.  You are empowered with a strength that separates us from the rest of the animals walking this earth.  You can choose who to be, where to live, what sort of job to work, the people you associate with.  Beyond the physical, you can choose to be happy or sad or strong or weak. You have no limitations but those you set upon yourself.  We are amazing

Positivity: Moonlight

If sunlight provides fuel by day, moonlight provides fuel by night. The moon had been personified in song and story in so very many ways.  Sometimes called He, sometimes called She, the moon is more to us than simply an immense rock orbiting the Earth and effecting our tides.  The moon is a quintessential part of the lore of almost every culture in the world. The moon has its many phases, showing us different shapes and faces.  Crescent, half, full

Positivity: Sunlight

I don’t know about you, but I am solar powered. I love the sun.  I love the touch of sunlight on my face, and I love it’s warmth upon my skin.  There is something very refreshing, calming, and enlightening about sunlight. Many a day has been improved when I have stepped into the sunlight.  The brightness of course in certain circumstances can be a bit overwhelming, but for the most part it is an incredible feeling, and it can generate

Positivity: Fantasy

Sometimes the mind needs an escape. Fantasy is a wonderful means to that end.  Fantasy, in its many and varied forms, can not only provide an excellent escape for the mind, it can also awaken new ideas and deeper creativity. I love being able to experience fantasy.  In addition to all the amazing and wondrous things we humans can create, we can develop stories in incredible places on worlds that only come to being from creative minds. Throughout history fantasy

Positivity: Inspiration

Inspiration comes in many forms. Different things inspire different people, of course.  People can find inspiration in any of the five senses.  The taste of chocolate.  A piece of music.  The smell of fresh brewed coffee.  Sunlight in your eyes.  The feel of silk beneath your hands.  That sense of comfort and love from those closest to you.  Any of these alone or in combination can spark the imagination and inspire great things. Inspiration has been personified throughout history.  The

Positivity: Starting Over

You can always start again. The rest of the animal kingdom has it much simpler than we do.  They look for food, they look for shelter, they seek a mate or mates to pass on their genetic material.  For them, life is a matter of course.  Whether a domesticated or a wild animal, their needs and wants are relatively simple, and easy to fill as such. Humans are a lot more complex.  We have a much wider variety of needs

Positivity: Respect

Everybody deserves respect. I believe that many of the conflicts across the globe are the result of a lack of respect.  The rich do not respect the poor and vice versa.  The religious do not respect the atheists and vice versa.  The conservatives do not respect the liberals and vice versa.  I could go on and on, but no doubt you can see how easy it is for us to disrespect our differences. We all deserve to be respected, despite

Positivity: You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. No matter how lonely, no matter how isolated, no matter how detached you may feel, you are not alone.  It does not matter how unique you are, it is not important how much differently you think from those around you – you are not alone. No one else is here, you might be thinking.  There is no one else inside my head.  No one is beside me.  I am alone in this life.  This is simply

Positivity: Creativity

We have an amazing power in creativity. Our unique ability to make our world, to build, to invent, to evolve, to start from a raw idea and conjure an amazing construct is incredible.  While we have observed other creatures on this world capable of building and using tools, none has show the skills we have to imagine and create wonders. We take so many aspects of our world for granted.  From the smallest things like running water and electricity for