The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

This Isn’t Self-Help Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo

Self-help involves any and all acknowledgment of mental health matters. Mental health is important. And the stigma that still exists regarding aspects of it helps nobody. A lot of different elements go into working on mental health. Many of these elements work best when combined. Therapy, psychopharmacology, and self-help notions can be used separately. But often a combination of these proves to be most effective. In my experience, the best way to not just find but stay balanced and centered

How Important is Communication?

Communication is the key to connection – both within and without. I would, unscientifically, estimate that 90% of all the chaos, uncertainty, and misunderstanding between the peoples of the world is due to issues with communication. These, like the people themselves, are wildly variable. Some of it is language – both a difference in the language used and comprehension of similar language. I suspect some of it is miscommunication – a lack of nuance, a poorly-stated intention, or general misunderstanding.

Whose Life is it Anyway?

Are you living life for you – or someone else? As children, our parents have a lot of expectations of us. But a great deal of this – particularly when we’re young – is beneficial. For example – saying please and thank you, sharing toys with other kids, overall good manners, and punctuality are qualities you carry with you all your life. As you get older, teachers have expectations of you. Learn what they are teaching, do your homework, meet

Do You Know Your Triggers?

Knowing your triggers can be hugely positive. I have made it no secret that I’ve been battling with depression for most of my life. I’ve worked hard over the years on my own, with therapists, and take an antidepressant to maintain my overall sense of balance. For the most part, I maintain an even keel. And I practice at that regularly. I meditate daily, express gratitude for numerous things every day, and focus on mindfulness practices. All these keep me

Where Am I Now?

Answering the question “where am I now?” is a first step in conscious reality creation. The philosophy of Pathalking, when all is said and done, is about using conscious reality creation to direct the journey. Knowing what you desire to create for your life, and how you’d like it to look, provide the goal. However, the future is not yet written. To get anywhere ahead of where you are now – you need to know where you are now. Many

The Evolving Philosophy of Pathwalking

As I evolve, my philosophy of life is evolving, too. And I embrace that. Change frightens people. What’s worse, there are too many examples of people “in power” using the fear of the unknown that change might bring about as a weapon. Hence, on the one hand, you have progress. On the other hand, you have attempts to go backward. You cannot undo or redo change, whether it’s subtle or monumental. Yes, you can certainly resist – which can be

Repetition versus Insanity

Repetition can be good – until you repeat the same mistakes/errors again and again. The best way to improve any skill at all is to repeat it. Keep at it. Over and over. Repetition offers you an opportunity to build on an existing tangible or intangible thing. It tends to be an action such as writing or painting; altering or creating a habit like no longer chewing on your fingernails or setting a time for daily reading; improving a skill,

You Control Your Mind

How you perceive everything – positive or negative – is yours to control. I don’t know that I can fully put into words the tremendous positivity that comes from you being in control of your mind. But I’m going to try. First – please accept this statement: Human beings are animals. Our brains, however, have evolved beyond the simplicities of survival and propagation of the species. We can dream of new wonders beyond the comprehension not only of the rest

Who Stands by You?

As you traverse your paths in life, who stands by you both matters – and doesn’t. Introverts or extroverts, human beings are social creatures. Some people need the energy and connection – literal and figurative – of others in their lives frequently. Some people need that same energy far less often. But it’s a fact of life and human nature that we’re social and need at least SOME interaction and connection. When I began to be more authentic in how

Normalizing Mental Health Matters

Let’s get real – normalizing mental health matters is the elephant in every room. What the hell is normal, anyhow? The answer is far easier than we tend to make it. Normal is what’s right for you. Yet society has concocted numerous bizarre notions of what normal should be. For example – man and woman marry and produce children; you work a 9-5 job Monday-Friday; hobbies are gender-specific. Then, it often goes deeper and becomes a lot more insidious. Rather

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