The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 238

My path is good for me, but probably not for you.  As we are not in competition, I would be happy to help you along your path in whatever way I can. Competition is a fine thing in certain respects.  My baseball team versus your team, track stars running for the best time, fencers fighting to best one another, and for that matter most competitive sports.  Competition in the everyday, for the most part, is unhealthy. This is not just

Pathwalking 238

My path is good for me, but probably not for you.  As we are not in competition, I would be happy to help you along your path in whatever way I can. Competition is a fine thing in certain respects.  My baseball team versus your team, track stars running for the best time, fencers fighting to best one another, and for that matter most competitive sports.  Competition in the everyday, for the most part, is unhealthy. This is not just

Pathwalking 135

I am not one who takes any sort of pleasure in the suffering of others. On the contrary – as an empath, I feel for those who have issues and suffering. I want, in fact, to do whatever I can to help people. This is often a complicated idea. In especial when I am dealing with people I don’t, in fact, know. Yet it is still a part of my nature to do whatever I can to help people see

Pathwalking 130

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. This is how life works. You cannot always get a medal just for participating. Sometimes you score a win, and sometimes you get a loss. This is how it is. The problem that comes of this is not about competition, and it is not about whether you are on the winning end or the losing one. The issue to pay attention to is whether you are gracious or sore in victory or defeat.

Pathwalking 118

Other people do not determine your worth.  You do. The old adage is true – you cannot please everyone all the time.  You are going to do things that are going to upset and alienate and maybe even infuriate other people.  It cannot be helped – this is just a part of human nature. Choosing your own life and walking your own path is going to have pitfalls and perils, ups and downs and so on.  People will not understand

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