The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: No One is Alone

I know that this time of year can be rough for many.  For those of you struggling, I want you to know that you are NOT alone. We are all in this together.  Each of us finds highs and lows with this season, but I recognize for many it’s particularly unpleasant.  For those of you who feel that way, please know that you are not on your own. I know what it feels like to be depressed, sad, lonely and

Positivity: Imagination and Creativity

While it’s important to focus on the here-and-now, and not get caught up in memories of yesterday and plans for tomorrow, it is also important to remain creative and imaginative. Creativity and imagination are the things that most set us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom.  Unlike the rest of the creatures crawling, swimming and flying around this planet, we have deep, incredible, miraculous powers of creativity. Sure, birds build nests and beavers construct elaborate damns that can

Positivity: Motivation

Some days just getting out of bed is a challenge.  Those days often require motivation. Finding motivators is an enormous positive.  Motivators help us to quit bad habits, start and maintain good habits, and make positive changes in our lives. Motivation can come from any number of places, both within and without.  This is one place where outside influences are often to your advance, rather than against it. Self-motivation can be challenging.  Simply setting a goal, like quitting smoking or

Positivity: We Are

Sometimes the most positive thing to face is that we are here. We are alive.  We are breathing.  We have endless possibilities ahead of us for the day. In the face of a whole lot of insanity from outside influences, the holiday season, or you may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder; finding and maintaining positivity can be a particularly challenging idea. It may seem trite, but just being alive is a huge plus.  You are breathing.  You have the ability

Positivity: Hope for The Future

Like a lot of people I know, I have many concerns about the future. Long buried ugliness has boiled back to the surface.  After decades of progress in equality and fairness no matter your race, creed or color…the lunatic fringe is feeling re-empowered to attempt to be dominant once again. They may have gained a voice in politics and will work to alter public policy…but we can make all of their efforts a struggle.  They are NOT in the majority,

Positivity: Compassion Overcomes Fear

Compassion overcomes fear. Following the results of last week’s election, a lot of people have become fearful for the future.  It is certainly understandable why, given the overall uncertainty and emboldened hate groups. But it has also shown how compassionate, loving and dependable people can be. I have witnessed numerous people pledge to stand by those who most feel under threat.  I have seen countless examples of people offering to stand up and keep friends and loved ones safe and

Positivity: Little Things

Little things matter. When the big picture is scary and undesirable, it is easy to neglect the small stuff, the little things in life that make it what it is. Some of these things are tangible, some are not. The importance of them is of a magnitude we easily forget and do not recognize the significance of. Why do little things matter? Because the big things do not evolve out of a vacuum. They begin as little things and grow.

Positivity: Your Potential

You have more potential than you realize. I have no doubt you have seen this somewhere before. I think every single self-help concept in existence makes this particular statement. All the new-age teachers and concepts like The Secret and The Law of Attraction say it. This does not make it any less true. This applies to everyone. It is a simple fact. Some days it is just harder to see and recognize and acknowledge than other days. We live in

Positivity: Compassion

Compassion is something we all crave. We want the people around us to take our hopes and dreams into account in their actions as much as we might consider theirs in ours. What is compassion? defines it thus: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. When we see people suffering we want to step up and help them. We want to do what we can to better their lot, because that is what we would want them to do for us. Compassion is

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