The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 174

I look at the clutter around me, and find that this is my mindset manifest. I have never been known for keeping my workspace neat. When I had an office or a cubicle it was nearly always strewn about with papers and files and books and stuff. My desk at home spends maybe a day or two uncluttered. I clear it off, I shift stuff around, things get filed – yet somehow my desk almost appears to spontaneously generate paper

Positivity: Cleaning

Sometimes it seems like a chore, but there is nothing like cleaning to create a more positive environment. When you clear away the clutter, vacuum up the dirt, dust the shelves, whatever you do to clean your space, it changes the feeling. That change can create a huge amount of positivity. I find that when I let my space go; when the clutter on my desk becomes a precarious stack of paper and and books and stuff – I find