The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 67

If Pathwalking is about choosing a direction and walking a path, what do you do when there are multiple goals you seek? I have been perplexed by this very question pretty much all of my adult life.  And when I was younger, this actually tripped me up frequently.  I wanted to do and be different things that were not necessarily congruent with one another, which made my choices even harder. For a long time, I was an expert at explaining

Pathwalking 64

The past two posts have been discussing the topic of failure.  This week, I want to take an in-depth look at the most important aspect of handling failure – how to let it go, learn from it, and continue along the path. As we have discussed prior – failure is NOT a bad thing.  Failure is a lesson either great or small that causes us to alter our path. Some of the greatest achievements in history have come about due

Pathwalking 63

Let’s take a closer look at accepting that failure will happen. We all receive so many messages expressing how negative failure is, how horrid it can be, that we cannot come to accept failure can happen. But it will.  Plain and simple.  Harsh though this statement is, it is unavoidable – you will fail.  I will fail.  In some way, failure will happen. It might be grand, it might be miniscule, but whenever you set out to do something, there

Pathwalking 56

While Pathwalking is a personal, singular choice, this does not mean that outside forces are wholly invalid. I often talk about not letting outside influences dissuade you from your path.  But sometimes those outside influences cannot be wholly ignored. Oh great.  Another paradox.  This is true, it IS another paradox.  But it can’t be ignored either.  And yes, this can be a complication in matters…but let me explain the thought process. Diets almost never work.  Limiting what you eat for

Pathwalking 55

What about branching paths? How do you figure out if the branches are worth walking or need pruning off of your life paths? This was an excellent question asked following Pathwalking 53.  The answer is both extremely simple and potentially complex. As you walk your path, you will come across forks, branches, crossroads, and various and sundry obstacles.  How can you tell a diversion from a proper path?  How do you choose which is the way to go? Let’s break

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