The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 129

Nothing is unchangeable. There is no situation, no circumstance, no event that cannot be altered in at least a minute manner. The trouble is, we have been led to believe that most things are static. Tigers cannot change their stripes and whatnot. Let me reiterate – nothing is unchangeable. I have come to believe that what it boils down to is four things. Identifying the need for change. Desiring the need for change. Acting on the need for change. Ultimately,

Positivity: Opposites

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. As such, if you are feeling down, you can bring yourself back up. If you are sad, you can find something to make you happy. If you are feeling uninspired you can find something to light your spark again. When you are feeling negative, you can seek out things that will return your mindset to positive. I know that there are days this seems almost impossible. If you make the

Pathwalking 86

Change is inevitable. Change will happen, no matter how much you would rather it did not.  Change is a part of life, it is a constant, and it cannot be denied. We can put it off, we can neglect it, we can rail against it.  But it will happen, and it will take place, for good or ill.  Change comes. People often think themselves victims of circumstance, victims of change.  But we all have within us the power to direct

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