The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Every Day is a New Day

Every day is a new day. No matter what happened yesterday, or last week, or last year…every single day is new. Every day has the potential to be completely different from the last or the next. Because every day is new, every day has the potential to be a positive day. Every day can be loaded with positivity and good things. It is very easy to fall into the pattern of every day being the same. Get up, shower, drink

Positivity: New Directions

You can always choose a new direction. Whether metaphorically or literally, you always have options and choices as to the directions you choose to take. If life is not where you want it to be, if you are unhappy and feeling stuck – you can examine why you are feeling negative, and you can determine new directions to find positivity. Metaphorically, this might mean a shift in attitude. Are you seeing things in a positive or a negative light? It

Positivity: Originality

It has been argued that there are no original ideas. I disagree. Why? Because each of us as individuals are completely original. Certainly we are the products of recycled genetics, but we are, none-the-less, original. I am the only me that there is. You are the only you in existence. Even if you are a twin, a triplet or an octuplet, you are original. One-of-a-kind. This is an amazingly positive idea. Because we are originals, we have something different to

Positivity: Something to Smile About

What brings a smile to your face? What memories, what images, what sounds, what smells, what touches, what thoughts will make you smile? What brings a smile to your face? These are the things we need to have at our disposal for when we are inundated by negativity. We need to have these tools available to us so that we can give ourselves an easy means to creating positivity instead. Some days it feels like a major struggle to invoke

Positivity: Choice

There are always choices. Sometimes they don’t seem to be ours, and sometimes they are hard to even get a good look at, but there are always choices available to us. No matter how bleak a situation may be, there will be choices available to change it. Some are surprisingly simple while others are immensely complicated. But they exist, none-the-less. People often become mesmerized by what they are told by outside influences. They are told there are limitations, they see

Positivity: Community

Community is an amazing concept. Community can mean so many things. It can be as small as your family and as large as the nation you call home. It can include an identifying factor which can help you explain to others how you view life and the world around you. But community is really all about those whom you are closest to. Community in the sense I write of here is the group of people who have your back, who

Positivity: On The Right Track

It is good to learn when you are on the right track. When you have been working on a project, no matter if it is work related, personal or somewhere in between, there is nothing more positive than learning you are doing it right. There are so many things we strive to do every day. Some are ludicrously simple, while others are difficult and time consuming. But when we are hard at work on a given thing, and we are

Positivity: Refocus

Do you plan to have a good day, or a bad day? Do you wake up looking forward to all the possibility the day represents, or in dread of what is to come? This is where is it vitally important you know what you are focused on. If you intend to have a good day and explore new possibilities and expect good things, that goes a lot further towards making that your reality than if you expect a bad day

Positivity: New Year's Actions

New Year, new opportunities for Positivity. Many people take the change in calendar to try and make changes in their lives. As the year turns, it can feel like an opportunity is at hand to restart, refresh and renew our existence in some way or other. This has, for many, taken the form of New Year’s Resolutions. They make a promise to make a change, usually either to eat better or lose weight or go to the gym or something

Positivity: Like Attracts Like

Like attracts like. This is the reason why revenge never works in the quest for justice. An act of retribution will gain you nothing but further retribution. We are inundated by a constant barrage of negativity, and that is where we wind up putting our focus. We end up in a state of negative thinking, and as such like attracts like and we continue to draw in more things to feel badly about. Knowing this, it is important to make