The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 244

If you want to change the world, you have to begin with changing yourself. It is that simple, and of course at the same time that complicated. Change is challenging.  I don’t want to call it hard, because really it’s not that hard to make change.  But change IS challenging. Why?  Because change is frequently a journey into the unknown.  We take steps into unexplored territory, to places we have never been, maybe even never really dreamed about.  Change is

Pathwalking 243

We all experience things that cause us to have an immediate, negative emotional response. Last week I wrote about not holding onto that and letting it take hold of you. So, what are some means by which to cope with a negative emotional response? Everyone can employ something different, and there is of course no one true response.  Also, situationally, different matters may call for a different response.  Some options for releasing that immediate negative response could include meditation, crying,

Pathwalking 242

Ultimately, when it comes to how I feel, I am the only one who has any say. For a lot of people, this seems hard to believe, I don’t doubt.  Why?  Because things happen that elicit an emotional response we have no control over. Which is not true. I agree that things happen that cause an emotional response.  Yes, we get into car accidents, we spill food on our clothes, we get hurt by someone we love, we do something

Pathwalking 241

It’s that time of the year again.  As you are reading this, I am on vacation. I wanted to look back and see what I wrote last year at this time.  That, in turn, led me to read what I had written the previous year during this same week. I didn’t stop there.  I paused and took a quick look back to all of my previous Pathwalks that were posted while I was on my annual vacation.  This year is

Pathwalking 240

I frequently write about energy. I believe that everything, at its core, is energy.  That is the center of the Universe, that is the point of origin for all.  We begin and end as energy, neither created nor destroyed, frequently transmuted. Over the past half a year plus, I have been working to meditate more frequently.  Why?  Because meditation is the ultimate means to connect to source energy. What is source energy?  Source energy is pure energy in the air,

Pathwalking 239

While you, and you alone, can choose and walk a given path, you don’t necessarily need to do so on your own. The key is to know the difference between allowing someone to offer guidance, advice and help versus control, obstruction and discouragement. Nobody knows everything.  Plain and simple, nobody knows everything. Because that’s the case, everyone needs to seek help, advice and assistance from time to time.  While we may each have our own expertise, there will always be

Positivity: Help

There is great power in both helping, and allowing yourself to be helped. Some people see needing assistance as a weakness. They see needing other people to do whatever it is they are trying to do as a sign of failure. But the truth is, we need people. What’s more, there are going to be times when we need help from people. Further, there are times when giving aid is equally important. I don’t know anybody who can do everything.

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