The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 109

Most people are familiar with the Golden Rule, and the phrase “Do unto others as you would have done unto you.” What ends up being neglected is the notion to do unto yourself as you wish to have done unto you. It is very easy to get caught up in looking out for your family and your friends and their wellbeing.  Sometimes it’s just easier to take on and deal with other people and their problems and needs and wants

Pathwalking 108

Expectation is a powerful force. What exactly IS expectation, anyhow? defines it thus: noun 1. the act or the state of expecting: to wait in expectation. 2. the act or state of looking forward or anticipating. 3. an expectant mental attitude: a high pitch of expectation. 4. something expected; a thing looked forward to. 5. Often, expectations; a prospect of future good or profit: to have great expectations. Looking forward, anticipating, waiting – and it is really great expectations that are what we all want to have when it comes to this action, this emotion. However, expectation can also be a crutch.  It can be a blockage for the actions in the here-and-now, as often it is something ahead of us, rather than

Pathwalking 107

We form communities because it is human nature to not want to be alone. What do communities form around?  It is usually a common element – everyone shares a skin color or similar beliefs about nature or a faith in god or a common activity and so forth.  The people find common ground with one another, and form a group that shares that commonality.  Now we are not alone. The trouble is, while this starts off innocuously enough, often communities

Individuality and sameness

Humans are unique to this world in so very many ways.  The manner in which we live our lives, the technologies we build, the means by which we communicate is vastly different from the rest of the animals on planet Earth. We are also unique in the ways we differentiate ourselves from one another.  Skin color, religion, nationality, political stance, gender…in our quest for individuality, we identify ourselves in increasingly divisive ways.  Yet we all strive to find common ground. 

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