The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 154

This is one of those weeks where composing this is particularly difficult. There is no single reason why, there is no overriding issue causing me stress or displeasure or any other particular negative emotions. I am just having a hard time finding a topic. Perhaps it is time for a little reflection, then. I began Pathwalking as part of a New Year’s action. I was determined that rather than make an empty resolution, easily forgotten and broken, I needed to

Pathwalking 153

How do you Pathwalk in the face of cynicism and skepticism? These two concepts are often confused and mixed, but still amount to much the same thing. In the simplest of terms, a cynic does not believe in selflessness, whereas a skeptic questions the factuality of a given thing. Given today’s society, it should come as no surprise that these two notions are so prevalent, and that they are easy to confuse. And when it comes to Pathwalking I can

Pathwalking 152

Everyone is walking a path. The difference between a self-identified Pathwalker and anyone else is choice. Someone practicing Pathwalking is choosing their life, choosing the trail they will journey upon. Everyone is on some kind of path. Everyone moves along in their life, whether they are living life for themselves or letting life live them.   All of us will have three identical experiences in the world we occupy. Birth. Life. Death. The where and how of birth will vary, but

Thoughts on opposition

Do you know what happens if we stand against one another, in opposition?  Do you know what we accomplish, what we achieve? Nothing. That’s right.  Opposing this and standing against that and resisting things gets you a whole lot of nothing.  It gets you nowhere. Look at the federal government.  Rather than work on a replacement for Obamacare, what do they do?  Oppose it.  And what do they accomplish?  Nothing. Carl Jung told it simply.  “What you resist, persists.” What

Being FOR the things you want in the world

Be FOR, not AGAINST, the things you want. I have observed that in the United States, we always seem to be on the defensive against things.  We are against drugs, against guns, against drunk driving, against hunger, against war, against against against. Why is this important?  Because consciousness creates reality.  Ergo, what you focus on is what you get. What does “against” mean, anyhow? defines it thus: a·gainst [uh-genst, uh-geynst]  (preposition) 1. in opposition to; contrary to; adverse or